
Chicken. Chicken. Chicken.

Those competing against this animal protein know full well that chicken strategists have mastered a list of consumer must have's in today's fast-paced world.

  • For novice cooks, chicken is pretty difficult to mess up.
  • Chicken is convenient to make.
  • And chicken is perceived by most consumers to have a good health profile.
Now beef can compete, too . . . with ground beef going from frozen to thawed in less than five minutes. It just takes a few easy steps. You can read on or simply watch the video.

For those who cook, you know that thawing ground beef can be messy and uneven, unless you plan ahead. To take advantage of the five-minute defrost, the ground beef must be stored flat in freezer-friendly packaging . . . not the round packaging of yesteryear.

At thaw time, take the frozen beef from the freezer and place the microwavable-safe package of ground beef into the microwave and give it a one-minute heat blast. In order for this to work, your microwave must have a moving turntable.

Next, pull the beef out and massage it. Then give it another 30-second blast. Repeat the massage-blast process until your beef is ready.

I can speak firsthand that this process is extremely easy and effective. The Beef Innovation Team at the Beef Checkoff developed it.

Easy-to-use ground beef is critically important to future sales as the product anchors the beef case, holding down a 42 percent share. What's more, 62 percent of that beef ends up in the freezer and must be thawed.

Editor's note: This is the first in a three-part series on new research from the Beef Checkoff's Beef Innovation Group.

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