Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Jan. 27 2014
California's three largest dairy cooperatives are very close to having a draft petition ready to submit to USDA asking that a Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) be implemented there. If adopted it will...
Jan. 27 2014
Field runoff volumes have a near equal distribution under frozen and nonfrozen ground conditions, said Kevan Klingberg with University of Wisconsin Discovery Farms at the Midwest Forage Association annual...
Jan. 27 2014
There are two main ways to grow profitability on a dairy farm: cut costs or grow milk production. If expenses are already tightly managed, are there opportunities for you to get more milk out of your cows?...
Jan. 27 2014
"Remember, every country has a constituency that is a farmer. It makes trade deals quite difficult to negotiate," said Ron Kirk, the immediate past U.S. Trade Representative for the Obama Administration....
Jan. 20 2014
Reader Response: Embrace milk's differences I think it is irrelevant to ask if the Omega-3 difference from grass fed cows "affects health outcomes" on the human seeking Omega-3 (over Omega-6) digestible...
Jan. 20 2014
U.S. dairy product exports aren't the only international market that is performing well. For the second time in three years, U.S. exports of bred dairy heifers passed the 60,000 threshold even though this...
Jan. 20 2014
The rosy potential for dairy industry growth that first attracted California-based Hilmar Cheese Co. to Texas nearly a decade ago is already becoming reality. As and it does, the company's state-of-the-art...
Jan. 20 2014
Most by-product feed markets tend to track corn and soybean meal prices. Producers, therefore, saw little urgency to secure supplies as the price of corn fell during the summer months. But, while corn...
Jan. 20 2014
Feed efficiency is certainly a buzzword in the dairy industry today. Is it the goal we all should be striving for? From a nutritionist's standpoint, Brian Perkins from Diamond V Technical Services explained...
Jan. 20 2014
This year could finally provide an opportunity to rebuild cash reserves following a span of high feed prices and 2009's disastrous free fall in milk prices. Currently, the 2014 All-Milk Price forecast...
Jan. 13 2014
The January 6, 2014, Hoard's Dairyman Intel item "Is the US, EU or India the top milk producer?" taught us that the United States leads all countries in milk produced from dairy cows. There are two follow-ups...
Jan. 13 2014
Last week, McDonald's Corporation announced its commitment to begin purchasing "verified sustainable beef" in 2016. Between now and then, the company plans to communicate with stakeholders from the farmer...
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