Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
March 24 2014
It has long been dogma that people should restrict their saturated fat intake in order to reduce their heart disease risk. Dietary sources of saturated fat commonly include red meat and high-fat dairy...
March 24 2014
In our interactions with dairy producers, especially those who study their dairy genetics closely, there have been fairly steady murmurs regarding somewhat exaggerated genetic evaluations among young genomic...
March 17 2014
Each year, our art director Ryan Ebert travels to different dairy regions across the country to gather images for Hoard's Dairyman. These images eventually find their way into articles for the magazine...
March 17 2014
Expo is shrouded in history. For many in our industry, a trip to Madison, Wis., is their annual family vacation. And now, regardless of whether you've brought cattle to Madison or not, you can be a part...
March 17 2014
British citizens have long been encouraged to "keep a stiff upper lip" in the face of adversity. But does that include in the face of stupidity, too? The U.S. isn't alone in suffering from clueless members...
March 17 2014
"Customers simply expect that we take good care of our cows," said Jennifer Walker, director of dairy stewardship at Dean Foods, during her presentation at the UW-Extension Dairy Well-Being Conference...
March 17 2014
Even though Livestock Gross Margin-Dairy Insurance (LGM-Dairy) only first came on the scene in 2008, it quickly became an effective tool to minimize milk price risk for a small group of the nation's dairy...
March 10 2014
This past year, the Northeast Federal Milk Marketing Order Administrator once again sent two calibration trucks out in the field to check whether or not on-farm bulk tanks were accurately measuring milk...
March 10 2014
Fearmongers no doubt hate this: in the 20 years since rBST was commercially approved in the U.S., scientific evidence of its safety to humans has become even more overwhelming. This was the blunt take-home...
March 10 2014
Some nerves were calmed in New York's dairy industry when OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) announced it would only be visiting larger dairies when it begins farm inspections in July....
March 10 2014
The non-GMO movement is knocking on Starbucks' doors. A staple on street corners and in airports, the high-value coffee chain is being pressured to serve only organic milk and cut ties with companies supplying...
March 10 2014
Blessed with the large number of dairy processing plants, dairy producers throughout the Upper Midwest Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) also enjoy the lowest hauling costs in the country. In its annual...
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