Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Sept. 9 2013
Conservation work throughout the Mississippi River Basin is paying off. Recent efforts involving erosion control and nutrient management reduced edge of field losses of sediment by 35 percent, nitrogen...
Sept. 9 2013
Dairy farmers across the country now have free access to online resources from The Dairyland Initiative, a University of Wisconsin-School of Veterinary Medicine outreach program. Originally, the website...
Sept. 9 2013
The nearly nationwide drought in 2012 alone cost the U.S. economy $30 billion, according to recent estimates from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Dairy producers bore the drought's...
Sept. 9 2013
When it comes to dairy shows, World Dairy Expo is as unique as they come. Essentially fully funded by the industry, the show also is governed by the greater dairy industry that seeded it with startup money...
Sept. 9 2013
It's a simple choice for dairies and other farms: take part in all environmental-related discussions or let others make decisions for you that you'll have to live with. What may turn out to be a crucial...
Sept. 3 2013
For every $1 of Dairy Checkoff funds dairy farmers invest in promotion, there was a return of $3.95 on enhancing fluid milk sales, $4.43 for cheese, and $6.26 for butter. Those were among the recent findings...
Sept. 3 2013
As Hoard's Dairyman dives deeper into the digital world, farms continue to head in that direction as well. As reported by the USDA, 70 percent of farms now have access to a computer and 68 percent own...
Sept. 3 2013
Improper ration preparation and excessive sorting can defeat our goals to provide a consistent diet. These dietary deficiencies then undermine our herd goals for feed intake, milk yield and efficiency...
Sept. 3 2013
Small-herd farms in California's central valley could be wiped out by new environmental regulations targeting wastewater ponds that are expected to be adopted as early as this year by the Central Valley...
Sept. 3 2013
This is the first edition of Hoard's Dairyman Intel, our weekly e-newsletter. It is being sent to 10,000-plus readers who graciously shared their email addresses with us. This electronic publication is...
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