Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Sept. 30 2013
As drought conditions continue to recede in New Zealand and many areas throughout Europe, milk supplies are beginning to expand in major milk exporting countries. However, as that growth takes place, strong...
Sept. 30 2013
After six years of steady decline, illegal border crossings have been on a slight uptick over the past two years. To date, U.S. Border Patrol agents have apprehended just over 388,000 people through the...
Sept. 23 2013
When it comes to the global dairy industry, the International Farm Comparison Network or IFCN would be among the leaders for having its pulse on dairy production, consumption and economic patterns. At...
Sept. 23 2013
Lies, fraud and hidden agendas are all tactics today in the battle to shape public perception about food. They're dirty tools in an ongoing propaganda campaign that long ago crossed the line between science,...
Sept. 23 2013
Do you want to be involved or committed to the future of agriculture? That is the question Bruce Feinberg, senior director of Global Quality for McDonald's Corporation, asked hundreds of veterinarians,...
Sept. 23 2013
Chipotle has struck again. Its recent release of the cartoon video "Scarecrow" coincides with the launch of an iPhone game that sets modern agriculture in a rather gloomy light. Yet, while the company...
Sept. 23 2013
$36 billion. That's the gulf that divides the House and Senate on just 1 of the 12 titles in the farm bill debate. Last Thursday, the House of Representatives passed a nutrition package that cuts $40 billion...
Sept. 16 2013
Milk producers in the nation's third largest dairy state are beginning to feel the effects of low snowpack levels last winter. They figure to last well into 2014. Between August 27 and September 5, irrigation...
Sept. 16 2013
This week, the third week in September, has been recognized as National Farm Safety and Health Week since 1944. Those working in production agriculture face safety risks every day, and it is just as important...
Sept. 16 2013
Dairy producers in the midst of the corn silage harvest from Wisconsin to New York all agree that the silage harvest is far exceeding last year's crop which was severely stricken by drought. However, in...
Sept. 16 2013
The average food waste price tag for a family of four is $2,200 per year, noted Jonathan Bloom, author of American Wasteland, at Charleston|Orwig's Thought Leadership event. Forty percent of the food produced...
Sept. 16 2013
Syria. The continuing resolution to keep the federal government funded after September 30. The federal debt-limit ceiling. Immigration . . . and oh, then there's the farm bill. One could change the priority...
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