Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Nov. 11 2013
While the U.S. is a relative newcomer on the global dairy stage, the Middle East is heavily dependent on food imports, as the region purchases nearly 90 percent of its food. Next to China, the Middle East...
Nov. 4 2013
Canadian "traders" maybe overlooked a few things discussed in the October 21 Hoard's Dairyman Intel item "Canadian dairy farmers upset by trade deal." First of all, the European Union is "GMO free" (all...
Nov. 4 2013
Right now, California dairy producer groups say with total certainty that they were lied to and knifed in the back by dairy processors. On October 22, yet another producer petition to adjust the state's...
Nov. 4 2013
Breeding heifers on body weight alone may not be in your best interest, according to Pat Hoffman, dairy specialist with the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He shared information about heifer breeding...
Nov. 4 2013
The Indiana Dairy Producers (IDP) organization has been following closely the development of the Green Express. Still under development, the Green Express is a dedicated nonstop rail service from Tampa,...
Nov. 4 2013
The four highest average Class III milk price years in history have all happened since 2007. This year is virtually certain to make it five … and be the third highest ever. As seen in the table...
Nov. 4 2013
Just how much has our industry consolidated? It took only 11 counties to produce 25 percent of our nation's milk last year. By casting a slightly wider net, 55 counties were responsible for producing half...
Oct. 28 2013
Reader Response: Feed prices still high I'd like to see lower feed costs at my dairy soon as eluded to in the October 21 Hoard's Dairyman Intel item, "Continued profitability possible in 2014." I am paying...
Oct. 28 2013
A pair of Hoard's West articles titled "California's pricing system is killing its dairies" were the center of a discussion initiated by a longtime California dairy industry leader. In this man's opinion,...
Oct. 28 2013
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail, said Stacey Hamilton, dairy specialist with the University of Missouri Extension, at their grazing conference last week. Designing a grazing system takes thoughtful...
Oct. 28 2013
A slight uptick in December cow numbers was reconfirmed by a recent survey of the largest 11 European Union member states, reported the European Commission in its autumn "Agriculture and Rural Development"...
Oct. 28 2013
Pizza. It's a $40 billion industry that's at the heart of cheese sales, accounting for 25 to 28 percent of cheese consumption nationally in any given year. Ninety-three percent of our nation's citizens...
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