cheeses and yogurt

It appears that today's consumers aren't letting their taste buds make all of their food decisions. Instead, it was a variety of health factors that made the top 10 list of nutrition trends that could impact the dairy industry.

The Dairy Council of California develops its Trends newsletter twice a year to update industry leaders on emerging nutrition issues likely to have a positive or negative effect on the dairy industry over the next one to three years. The trends' tracking system, monitored by a team of staffers, is designed to identify issues early and track their development through multiple communication channels.

We know our dairy products can be a part of a balanced, healthy diet, but they must align with the demands and desires of the current consumer. Several of the top trends on the list revolve around the prevention of diseases and obesity using healthy fats and proteins, and past and present research shows how dairy can certainly play a role in this. Others, such as growing consumer interest in where and how their food is made, create a need to evaluate production practices and improve communication with the people purchasing our products.

Listed below are the top 10 nutrition trends that may impact the dairy industry in 2014 and beyond:
  1. Milk and dairy foods promising in prevention of metabolic syndrome and diabetes.
  2. Dairy fat may no longer be a villain in heart disease risk.
  3. Protein continues to provide a multitude of benefits across ages.
  4. Consumers demand personalization in many aspects of their lives.
  5. Challenges to milk consumption continue due to a litany of complex concerns.
  6. The role of the gut microbiome in health is advancing rapidly.
  7. Obesity is still a primary health concern, with efforts focused on children.
  8. Consumers' interest in natural, functional, fresh foods grows.
  9. Cognition and mental health are new areas of nutrition research.
  10. Changes coming in the health care environment.
Read about each of these trends in detail in the Dairy Council of California Trends report.

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