Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Oct. 14 2013
Feed refusals and feed efficiency. They go hand in hand and have taken center stage as producers attempt to capitalize on their resources. Targeting lower feed refusals reduces waste and provides an overall...
Oct. 14 2013
A fall alfalfa harvest: should you do it on your farm? If you are short on forage supplies, the answer may be yes. Alfalfa stores energy in its roots and crowns. These energy reserves are used by the plant...
Oct. 7 2013
I read your Hoard's Dairyman Intel item on the upcoming farm bill which is unlikely to ever see the light of day given the state of affairs in the House. The portion of the article, "The $36 billion food...
Oct. 7 2013
Crowdfunding. It's an established evolution in the fund-raising world that takes your proposed business plan well beyond the geographical bounds of your community. And like many technological advents,...
Oct. 7 2013
That expensive ultrasound unit you're thinking about getting has more value than you may realize. Confirming pregnancies isn't all you can do with on-farm ultrasound devices, say researchers at the University...
Oct. 7 2013
Dairy producers were the original sustainability leaders, said Roberta Osborne of the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy during her presentation at World Dairy Expo last week. For years, agriculturalists...
Oct. 7 2013
Milk quota for the 27 countries in the European Union will expire on March 31, 2015. How that will affect Europe's dairy industry was the focus of a session during the annual congress of the European Federation...
Oct. 7 2013
For longtime World Dairy Expo cattle exhibitors and attendees, going through the cattle barns at this year's show may have had a similar feel to New York Yankee fans who attended the final game at the...
Sept. 30 2013
Your article and the comments about the latest International Farm Comparison Network (IFCN) in the Monday, September 23 Hoard's Dairyman Intel are what the U.S. dairy industry needs to understand. The...
Sept. 30 2013
A faster approach to growing the polled dairy cattle population is the exciting result of new research from the University of Minnesota. There, scientists discovered a modified gene editing system that...
Sept. 30 2013
The health and economic repercussions of subclinical mastitis are well documented. Screening of udder health in early lactation has the potential to limit the disease's monetary impact and improve treatment...
Sept. 30 2013
The dairy world is a tiny place these days, so when the largest dairy exporter tells its producers to expect the highest milk prices in history in 2014, it probably means good things for U.S. producers,...
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