Back in 2008, the boisterous group PETA sponsored an anti-milk billboard campaign in New Jersey, featuring the message "Got Autism?" The ad showed a bowl of milk with a sad face made of cereal, accompanied by the tag line, "Studies have shown a link between cow's milk and autism."
The billboards were short-lived after complaints led the firm hosting the advertisements to cancel its agreement with PETA. However, the ad has resurfaced, this time on the internet and throughout social media. While sources say PETA has no plans to bring back the billboard campaign, they will continue to spread their message about the link they believe exists between dairy and autism.
The "studies" they refer to in their tag line are actually just two in number. They were conducted several years ago, and neither showed conclusive data or have been substantiated since then.
Nonetheless, PETA still pushes the concept and speaks out against dairy. The attention they have gotten lately, though, isn't all in their favor. In fact, their scare method of marketing resulted in a chastising article in Time magazine titled, "Got Credibility? Then You're not PETA."
It's encouraging to see a reputable source like Time speak out against the anti-milk ad. Many consumers, however, are craving more information on how to keep their children safe and healthy. Who is to say that some parents, unfamiliar with research backing dairy in the diet, won't believe the words of PETA?
This ad that won't go away is another reminder of the vast amount of information, trustworthy or not, that can be found on the internet. Our job in promoting the proven benefits of dairy is far from done, especially with groups like PETA working against us.