Below are the featured articles from recent issues of Hoard's Dairyman.

July 8 2022
The real estate industry has a well known and accepted saying: Location, location, location. It means the value of a property depends on where it is located, and the price of comparable properties in
July 8 2022
A lot of fairs are still using post-World War II dairy cattle barns built with old telephone poles, rough lumber rafters, and corrugated metal roofing
July 8 2022
dairy producers are seeing record milk prices due to strong worldwide dairy consumption and milk production not quite able to keep up with that demand. Inflation and many world events are painting an
July 8 2022
A RATHER toothless commission was finally given a little bite when the Senate and House passed the Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA)
June 8 2022
i do not remember a time when I did not identify myself as a farm girl. Even when I was a young child, the farm was my security
June 8 2022
The author is a professor emeritus at University of Illinois, Urbana.Questions are arriving from around the globe, inquiring about strategies to reduce feed costs given $7 to $8 per bushel corn and so
June 8 2022
Fertilizer is once again experiencing a seismic market disturbance. Instead of supply chains being disrupted by a worldwide pandemic, however, a significant portion of fertilizer’s woes can now...
June 8 2022
in a not so far-off future, the most profitable dairies in the country may not be milking for money. Dairy farms will be milking cows for credit
June 7 2022
Eat butter. That declaration appeared on the cover of the June 23, 2014, edition of Time magazine. By the time that bold statement appeared, the “Fat is back” revolution was well underway
May 10 2022
We are experiencing one of the more unique business climates in modern American history. With price inflation running at a generational high, interest rates will begin climbing
May 10 2022
There are three factors that determine how large of a jump in genetic progress we can make from one generation to the next. We need reliable predicted transmitting ability (PTA)
May 10 2022
The Federal Reserve has finally come to the conclusion that inflation is real, it’s here to stay, and it’s not as transitory as previously thought
May 10 2022
Do I need to worry about bird flu infecting my cattle?Wisconsin – H.C.I am hoping that by the time this column is in print, the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreak
May 10 2022
I don’t ever remember a time when food security, fuel security, and farm security were more critical. The way we see this playing out presently is not pretty
April 18 2022
The author is the managing editor of Hoard’s Dairyman.In developing a partnership with stores such as LuLu hypermarkets, USDEC has staff working in concert with stores to ensure proper product placement....
April 18 2022
Dairy farming has always been a capital-intensive business. There are a lot of fixed investments required to run a dairy farm as detailed in my March 2022 column
April 18 2022
Negative producer price differentials (PPDs) exploded onto the scene in June 2020 and sent shock waves throughout our dairy farming community
April 18 2022
Recently, I attended a herd health talk in which the presenter described a disease as the “silent thief,” and it struck me that, in my experience, Prototheca mastitis could be viewed analogously
April 18 2022
During unprecedented times like our society has been through the past two-plus years, the week-to-week swings may seem daunting
April 18 2022
With tight labor markets and constantly improving technology, there has been an exponential adoption of automated milking systems (AMS) throughout North America