Below are the featured articles from recent issues of Hoard's Dairyman.

Nov. 15 2020
this year will go down in the annals of history as one for the ages. Indeed, 2020 had both immense challenges and immense opportunities . . . both are coming to light
Nov. 15 2020
What am I most proud about in 2020? That was the question posed by Lucas Lentsch to dairy farm leaders of the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), Dairy Management Inc. (DMI), and USDEC
Nov. 15 2020
I began my professional career in 1980 just as a number of proven reproductive technologies arrived on the marketplace in North America
Oct. 25 2020
Decades ago, rural communities were filled with farmers who knew their neighbors and residents who knew the challenges of living near farmers
Oct. 25 2020
The reason the government is involved in Federal Milk Marketing Orders is because dairy farmers must sell milk every day of the year to a buyer who does not have to buy milk every day
Oct. 25 2020
U.S. and global dairy markets have been bizarre this year. Looking at the block cheddar cheese market on the CME confirms that story
Oct. 25 2020
Cattle have been converting grass and other forages into high-quality milk, meat, and fiber, and used as draft animals, pulling heavy loads for humans, for roughly 10,000 years
Oct. 25 2020
With several farms sprinkled throughout the countryside, it is not uncommon to drive down the road and see signs offering “Free kittens.”Farmers know, when there are two cats, many will quickly...
Oct. 10 2020
What’s your life’s road map? You know, how did you get from Point A to Point B? Most of us have more than two pins on the map, or at least I do
Oct. 10 2020
I first attended the North East Production Medicine Symposium in 1993. Cow comfort was a major topic presented by the late Bill Bickert and a host of colleagues
Oct. 10 2020
There are some in our midst who continue to both belittle and bemoan dairy product exports. During a recent conversation, staff members for a rather well-known dairy farm organization went so far as t
Oct. 10 2020
The vast majority of our country’s population is several generations removed from farming. Most people are unfamiliar with modern production practices, yet dependent on agriculture and the food supply
Sept. 25 2020
When our cows need something, they tell us. Although it is not with words, their verbal communication is easy to understand
Sept. 25 2020
As calls for federal order revisions continue to mount, it’s important for all of us to recognize that these provisions perform a critical role in pricing milk across the country
Sept. 25 2020
As dairies face low milk prices, their ability to endure and recover from volatile conditions is more important than ever
Sept. 25 2020
For nearly every dairy farmer, corn silage harvest season is one of the most important periods of the entire year. As more and more farms transition toward rations high in corn silage, it becomes even
Sept. 10 2020
we are all missing our people. Our tribe. Our community. As I write this column, we now are approaching five months of this new normal, and quite honestly, it feels anything but normal
Sept. 10 2020
The unthinkable events that occurred in the first six months of 2020 will more than likely have an exceptionally long tail. That tail could be 12 to 24 months out or it may even be years long
Sept. 10 2020
Over the last decade, we have heard the phrase “from grass to glass” within our industry
Sept. 10 2020
There are two ways to look at the problem facing family dairy farms. The first is that of a “farm income problem.” The second is that of a “farm structure problem.” It is common...