Corky, yeasty, oxidized, malty, and scorched might not be words the average person thinks of when describing dairy products, but for food science students who have learned to identify the slightest discrepancy...
The reproductive performance of lactating dairy cattle has improved over the past decade due to better health and transition management strategies, genetic selection, and the adoption of programs such...
A local tragedy involving farm equipment provided the spark for an event in Canada to help farm women feel more confident about operating farm machinery, especially in emergency situations
The first thing you notice is that the parlor and building are spotless. It was built five years ago, and I first visited just as they swapped the old herringbone parlor for the rotary
Capital needs are a primary concern for most dairy operations given the intensive nature of the agriculture industry’s demand for equipment and facilities
When we turn the calendar from December to January, it feels like we are starting a new chapter with blank pages because we really do not know what this year will bring
Looking back 25 years, I was at a crossroads in my vision for what secondary education to pursue. At 17 years old, I’d developed curiosity in dairy farming and cropping, but I also enjoyed fixing...