I’m thankful for agriculture because it runs in my family. My Nono, or grandfather, was a dairy farmer from Switzerland. Although I never had the chance to talk about dairy farming with him, I know our conversations would have been special and he would be proud that I also have a passion for cows.
I’m thankful for agriculture because it is a vital industry providing fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, bread, meat, and more that our world relies on for good nutrition. Those involved in agriculture get up before dawn to milk cows, plant crops before the rain comes, and strategically create products that meet the wants of consumers.
What about the agriculture industry are you thankful for this year? I could make a never-ending list that centralizes around the industry that I love and am excited to pursue a career in.
When I was asked that question a few weeks ago, I began to admire how many different ways the agriculture industry has impacted me and my family. I would not be the driven, passionate person I am today without my upbringing in the agriculture industry.
We all have particular things to appreciate about agriculture in this season of thanks. I am most grateful for the farmers, ranchers, and those who work in the agriculture industry for providing the world with the necessities to life.

Elise Regusci grew up on her family's farm in Modesto, Calif. Regusci attends Cal Poly University, majoring in dairy science with an agricultural communication minor. On campus, she is the Los Lecheros Dairy Club Ag Council representative and a member of the Cal Poly dairy judging team. Regusci is the current Brown Swiss Youth Ambassador and is the 2017 Hoard's Dairyman summer editorial intern.