While it may no longer be June Dairy Month, educating the public is a year-round challenge. As summer shows and fairs get into full swing, do you take the time to educate the public about your animals, the dairy industry or dairy products? It is easiest and most fun to talk or share information with others about the segments of our industry that excite or intrigue you.
Educational displays can at all hours of the day or night at fairs and exhibitions, even when you are not there. They can lead to questions that you will later be able to answer for the curious attendee. But, dairy cattle shows are not the only place to educate the public. Displays can be placed at local banks, chamber of commerce offices or local businesses.
4-H or school class projects can stretch beyond a grade in school or a requirement for your dairy project. Here are a few winning displays of the 52 entries at the 2012 National Holstein Convention held last month in Springfield, Mo. Youth competed in scientific and creative categories. The youth did not have to attend the convention to submit their entry. More results of the youth contests held at the convention can be found on Industry Buzz.
As you can see the topics are quite varied. . .from dairy foods, calf care and farm safety. We hope they give you some ideas for educational displays in your community.

Junior Creative
"Embryo Transfer
"All We Have, We Owe to Udders"
Intermediate Creative
"Farm Safety"
"How Now Brown Cow"
"Shh…I'm Resting"
Senior Creative
"Blast Off for Milk"
"Dairy Foods"
Junior Scientific
"Hole-E-Cow (Fistulated Cows)"
"5 C's of Calf Care"
Intermediate Scientific
"Cow Digestion"
"Plants Toxic to Dairy Cattle"
"Cows' Eyesight"
Senior Scientific
"Somatic Cell Count"
"By-product Feeds"
"Holsteins Heal"
Educational displays can at all hours of the day or night at fairs and exhibitions, even when you are not there. They can lead to questions that you will later be able to answer for the curious attendee. But, dairy cattle shows are not the only place to educate the public. Displays can be placed at local banks, chamber of commerce offices or local businesses.
4-H or school class projects can stretch beyond a grade in school or a requirement for your dairy project. Here are a few winning displays of the 52 entries at the 2012 National Holstein Convention held last month in Springfield, Mo. Youth competed in scientific and creative categories. The youth did not have to attend the convention to submit their entry. More results of the youth contests held at the convention can be found on Industry Buzz.
As you can see the topics are quite varied. . .from dairy foods, calf care and farm safety. We hope they give you some ideas for educational displays in your community.

Junior Creative
"Embryo Transfer
"All We Have, We Owe to Udders"
Intermediate Creative
"Farm Safety"
"How Now Brown Cow"
"Shh…I'm Resting"
Senior Creative
"Blast Off for Milk"
"Dairy Foods"
Junior Scientific
"Hole-E-Cow (Fistulated Cows)"
"5 C's of Calf Care"
Intermediate Scientific
"Cow Digestion"
"Plants Toxic to Dairy Cattle"
"Cows' Eyesight"
Senior Scientific
"Somatic Cell Count"
"By-product Feeds"
"Holsteins Heal"