Feb. 28 2022
Regular maintenance can go a long way in preserving a dairy’s hard working skid steer
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Feb. 25 2022
Cows have personalities with each other just like we do
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Feb. 24 2022
National FFA week celebrates the impact of agricultural education, and you can make a difference in that mission
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Feb. 23 2022
Sharing about our non-farm interests helps us connect with others close to us and those looking to us for information
Touchdown Taco Salad
Feb. 21 2022
Sharing recipes and photos of food online is very popular right now, and these photography tips will help you showcase your culinary creation
Feb. 18 2022
Everything farming-related seems to fall within a cycle of tasks, and there’s a blurred line between getting caught up, being ahead, or falling behind
Feb. 17 2022
Heat detection on our farm got more technical yet simpler over time
Feb. 16 2022
Always be on the lookout for a product, technology, or practice that could have a positive impact on your dairy
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Feb. 14 2022
Small things can have a big meaning for those we care about
Feb. 11 2022
Whether you are a football fan or not, the biggest game of the year has some fun ties to dairy
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Feb. 10 2022
Constant changes in our weather make it more important for us to do what we can to keep our animals healthy
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Feb. 8 2022
They may not be glamorous, but we can share what we love about our roles in agriculture to attract others
Feb. 7 2022
School districts will have the option to continue serving low-fat flavored milk for the next few years, according to a USDA rule being announced today
Feb. 4 2022
Everything works smoother with our automated milking systems when we stay on schedule with our cleaning and maintenance
Feb. 3 2022
We’re happiest at home in our old farmhouse that is surrounded by cattle murmurs, country fields, and starlit skies, so it was the perfect backdrop for a marriage proposal
Feb. 1 2022
Time for a vacation is difficult for farm families, but it pays off
Jan. 31 2022
Are you thinking about advocating more for dairy and dairy farming in 2022? That's great, and I highly encourage it
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Jan. 28 2022
The Hoard’s Dairyman Cow Judging Contest is open and waiting for entries
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Jan. 27 2022
Working with cows every day showcases many of their personality traits
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Jan. 26 2022
Here’s a short account of what depression really feels like so you can better support those around you