Aug. 26 2022 08:00 AM

    The national dairy checkoff is working to promote our products through TikTok influencers.

    A popular social media trend is a “hack,” which is an efficient and clever way to solve a problem or offer solutions that other users may have never thought of. Videos of effective hacks have a long history of reaching viral status and online staying power, with many people engaging with and sharing the content over time.

    The dairy checkoff is working with some very influential social media personalities to showcase the creative and tasty ways dairy can be “hacked.”

    Dairy Management Inc. (DMI) is partnering with some of the funniest and most food-obsessed influencers who have well into the millions of followers on channels such as TikTok and YouTube, where our Gen Z target audience of 18 to 24 year olds spends considerable time. TikTok influencers such as as @newt (9.4 million followers), @liamslunchbox (4.2 million), @moribyan (3.9 million), and @mishas_kitchen (842,000 followers) are sharing how their followers can enjoy dairy in ways they may have never thought possible.

    DMI launched the #HackTheHeatcampaign at the start of August with a “Beat the Summer Heat” theme to showcase the art of cooling off with dairy. While this first wave of activation focused on ways to battle the summer temperatures, a second portion – “Tame The Flaming Tastebuds” – will launch in September and emphasizes dairy’s role in providing relief from spicy foods. It’s long been known a glass of milk can ease the burn from jalapeno overload, but this strategy showcases unique ways to incorporate dairy into spicy recipes.

    The checkoff is conducting this phase in partnership with media outlet FoodBeast, which got the ball rolling with a recipe suggesting the edge can be eased from Cajun spiced hot wings by mixing them with a layer of parmesan cheese. As the story suggests, “You’re able to cut through the overwhelming spices to reveal a savory balance of heat and creaminess.”

    We also will be working with TJ and Derek Watt, brothers and football players for the Pittsburgh Steelers, to create their own ways to Hack the Heat. This plan will leverage our NFL partnership to deliver fun and new ways for consumers to think about dairy and its heat-beating properties.

    Working with influential social media personalities, NFL players, and outlets such as FoodBeast is another example of how the checkoff is meeting younger consumers where they are. Hacks appeal to Gen Z, who are drawn to creative ideas that save time and increase efficiency and can be done with limited finances and experience. Bringing dairy to them in this fashion is a win.

    You can check out all of these dairy hacks and much more on our Undeniably Dairy social media channels: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

    To learn more about your national and local dairy checkoffs, visit

    Don Schindler

    The author is a Senior Vice President of Digital Initiatives at Dairy Management Inc.