May 8 2024
June Dairy Month is often celebrated by communities hosting breakfasts on the farm to promote the dairy industry
Feb. 1 2024
I have found that promoting dairy products in schools is fun for students and rewarding for farmers
Feb. 22 2023
Pennsylvania dairy farmers dressed their calves to promote dairy
Aug. 26 2022
The national dairy checkoff is working to promote our products through Tik Tok influencers
June 9 2022
“If you build it, they will come.” That line comes from the movie “Field of Dreams,” where a baseball diamond was constructed in the middle of an Iowa cornfield
April 7 2022
“My leadership is grounded in two fundamental principles. One is all about listening. The second is a bias for action,” shared Barbara O’Brien, who is the new president and CEO of DMI
April 4 2022
National Agriculture Day was March 22. While it may have passed, it’s important to recognize that Americans — especially schoolchildren — would benefit from year-round efforts to enhance...
Jan. 31 2022
Are you thinking about advocating more for dairy and dairy farming in 2022? That's great, and I highly encourage it
Jan. 20 2022
Packaging, labelling, and shelf displays help them make their decisions on what to purchase. A well-stocked, well-organized display gives the impression of choice and quality, while a sparse or unorganized...
Aug. 26 2021
State fairs can be a terrific place to connect people with agriculture, even if just for a moment
June 2 2021
Advocating for agriculture online means connecting with those you’re trying to reach
June 1 2021
Dairy farmers and the industry support one another with their shared passion and dedication
March 22 2021
Popular ag promoter Dairy Carrie offers advice on how to become a sponsored advocate
April 24 2020
Attacks on your social media channels can be disheartening, but there are ways to manage the hurtful comments and negative people
March 20 2020
Gannett newspapers have been doing a deep dive on the dairy checkoff. To stir up dust on the topic, its Milwaukee Journal Sentinel questioned whether checkoff programs provide value to dairy farmers
Jan. 10 2020
Some dairymen and women have raised questions as to whether or not the Dairy Promotion and Research Program still delivers value for the 15-cent investment each of us makes for every 100 pounds of milk
Nov. 15 2019
Trade, immigration, and dairy product sales garnered the lion’s share of the discussion at this year’s annual gathering of the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board, the National Milk...
Sept. 16 2019
The 61 million members of Gen Z grew more massive than the Millennials this year, according to Forbes magazine
May 13 2019
Did you know that one in six kids in the U.S. faces hunger? It's even worse in the summer because they might not have access to free or reduced-price school meals
Dec. 24 2018
At first glance, dairy farmers and the National Football League (NFL) just may be the most unlikely teammates ever conceived throughout America