We try to review vaccination schedules every few years on our farm by addressing any issues we’ve seen and asking ourselves questions about what we need from the protocol
What is the dairy community’s role in the future of the world’s food system? That’s a question government leaders, animal rights activists, a growing world population, food processors,...
As 2023 comes to a close, dairy producers are hopeful that 2024 will be a better year. Record-low Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) levels are one measure pointing to the tough financial year of 2023
Judge Mike Duckett of Rudolph, Wis., alongside his associate Kevin McGriskin, of Ontario, Canada, awarded the pair of Aged Cows with top honors in the International Jersey Show
The need for more and higher value crops, as well as developmental pressure, has pushed agricultural land values to record high levels. That’s true for farm real estate, cropland, and pastureland
My social media news feeds are about 20% updates from family and friends, 20% communication with other veterinarians about cases and practice, 40% a waste of time with someone trying to sell me something...
Optimizing corn harvest for silage under variable growing conditionspresented by John Goeser, Rock River Laboratorysponsored by Lallemand During this session, Goeser will lean on hi