While we love working with dairy cows, we can’t forget that the role of dairy farmers and those that support them is to provide nutritious milk and dairy products to the population. Expanding the...
One way that the dairy checkoff works to move volume and drive sales of dairy products is to partner with major food companies, such as Domino’s and McDonald’s
American Dairy Association (ADA) North East is one of the state and regional dairy checkoff organizations that has a fully developed retail program designed to keep dairy cases clean, cold, and well-s
Net Zero by 2050. It’s a lofty and, at times, overwhelming concept to consider that dairy could achieve carbon neutrality, optimize water usage, and improve water quality by 2050
News thrives on conflict -- it always has and always will. But that tendency to emphasize the negative -- or in the case of agriculture, every criticism of farmers and U.S. food production imaginable
The acronym ESG can be found throughout news articles and investment circles these days. ESG, as in Environmental, Social, and Governance, is reshaping business
U.S. dairy product exports pushed past $800 million in sales for an unprecedented fourth straight month. In doing so, total American dairy exports reached $4.8 billion in the first six months
DURING the past year, the U.S. genetics community identified a challenge and came together to create a solution that will benefit breeders of Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, and Milking Shorthorn
White House conferences on hunger and diet-related health are a rare occurrence. In fact, it’s been more than 50 years since the only one that’s ever been convened
Foods high in saturated fat, sugars, or sodium will now receive call outs on food packaging labels in Canada. The front-of-package nutrition symbol is black and white in color, has a magnifying glass
Bread and milk: two key foods that get snatched off grocery store shelves whenever an emergency seems to be looming. The majority of Americans rely on milk as a important meal time staple