The Hoard's Dairyman Farm is consigning some top-notch genetics to the International Guernsey Classic Sale, to be held on Thursday, October 6, 2011 at 7 p.m. at World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin....
The farm is growing at a rapid pace, and milk is up. Each month the editors receive our test sheets. In the past 12 months, the farm has averaged 474 cows, 387 in milk – 320 Guernseys and 155 Jerseys....
About 25 years after the exodus began, Hoard's WEST joined the dairy migration from southern California to southern Idaho. Since it began publication in 1999, our Western edition was based near the Chino...
At the Hoard Farm's recent classification, farm manager Jason Yurs and the Hoard's Dairyman editors were discussing the best bulls used over the past decade. Idle Gold E Challenge-ET 1GU418 topped the...
At the Hoard Farm's recent classification, farm manager Jason Yurs and the Hoard's Dairyman editors were discussing the best bulls used over the past decade. Idle Gold E Challenge-ET 1GU418 topped the...
Last Tuesday, the Hoard Jersey herd which now numbers 147 cows was appraised by AJCA appraiser, Leah Johnson. We purchased the Jerseys from three Wisconsin herds, one Illinois herd, and one in Ohio. Most...
Last Tuesday, the Hoard Jersey herd which now numbers 147 cows was appraised by AJCA appraiser, Leah Johnson. We purchased the Jerseys from three Wisconsin herds, one Illinois herd, and one in Ohio. Most...
As a new year begins, we wrap up the 125th anniversary celebration of Hoard's Dairyman. In our June 2010 issue, we chronicled how Hoard was instrumental in launching many endeavors far beyond his magazine....
As a group, the Hoard Guernsey herd had outstanding feet and leg scores, averaging 81.86 points on 342 cows at the most recent classification. There are a number of reasons for their solid feet and legs:...
As a group, the Hoard Guernsey herd had outstanding feet and leg scores, averaging 81.86 points on 342 cows at the most recent classification. There are a number of reasons for their solid feet and legs:...
There is always something going on at the Hoard's Dairyman Farm. This week, one of the irons in the fire has been looking at the impact of buying 35 Jersey cows. Here's how we approached the issue: First,...
There is always something going on at the Hoard's Dairyman Farm. This week, one of the irons in the fire has been looking at the impact of buying 35 Jersey cows. Here's how we approached the issue: First,...
On October 25, the American Guernsey Association appraiser stopped by the Hoard Farm to score the Guernseys. Here are a few highlights from that day: • Howerton Farms Reward Clove (shown above) went...
On October 25, the American Guernsey Association appraiser stopped by the Hoard Farm to score the Guernseys. Here are a few highlights from that day: • Howerton Farms Reward Clove (shown above) went...
Sunday, October 10, 2010, marked the first official observance of W. D. Hoard Day in the State of Wisconsin. Although this is the first official recognition of W.D. Hoard Day, in reality, Wisconsin residents...