BS-B-S copy
April 25 2017
I place this class of Holstein aged cows C-B-A-D. Starting the class with C, a beautiful dairy cow that carries the best udder in the class. C has a definite advantage in overall dairyness from end to...
April 25 2017
I place this class of Holstein aged cows C-B-A-D. Starting the class with C, a beautiful dairy cow that carries the best udder in the class. C has a definite advantage in overall dairyness from end to...
Oct. 28 2016
Telling the story of dairy is the goal of June dairy month, and this year, the Hoard’s Dairyman Farm got to do just that when the Wisconsin Public Television show Around the Farm Table visited
Oct. 17 2016
THE HOARD'S DAIRYMAN FARM was purchased in 1899 by the magazine's founder, and former state governor, William D. Hoard. A major motivation to his purchase was to prove to university people throughout the...
Oct. 17 2016
Hoard's Dairyman Farm Blog Posts from HD Notebook Hoard's Dairyman Farm wins AGA's Commercial Herd Award It's fair time Hoard's Farm home to nation's top cheese producer Breed's newest Excellent-95 calls...
April 25 2016
Five classes of dairy cows are featured on the covers of our January through March 10 issues, representing five of the dairy breeds. Click the cover image to see the official placing for the class, the...
April 25 2016
When placing this outstanding class of aged Ayrshire cows D-B-A-C, I found the class to break into two pairs. The outstanding rear udder and balance of D place her over the dairy-framed B. D has a rear...
April 25 2016
I place this class of beautifully balanced Guernsey cows D-C-A-B. In a close placing, D rises to the top based on her outstanding dairy qualities. She is sharper at the point of shoulder, exhibiting more...
April 25 2016
It is a pleasure to place this class of Jersey cows D-B-C-A. I started with a pair of youthful, balanced cows in D and B. D's length and extreme style make her stand out in this class, and pairing that...
Sept. 23 2015
Aggressive management yields impressive statistics. The Hoard's Dairyman Farm has been in existence since 1899. Numerous advancements have been made in technology and management since those early days....
Sept. 23 2015
Aggressive management yields impressive statistics. The Hoard's Dairyman Farm has been in existence since 1899. Numerous advancements have been made in technology and management since those early days....
Sept. 8 2015
Hoard's Dairyman provides information to dairy producers through a variety of advertising channels
April 25 2015
Five classes of dairy cows are featured on the covers of our January – March 10 issues, representing five of the dairy breeds. Click the cover image to see the official placing for the class, the...
April 25 2015
It's an honor to be the official judge for this impressive class of Milking Shorthorns, which I place in the order of B A C D. B is an exceptional young cow that uses her length, dairyness and balance...
April 25 2015
I placed this quality class of Jersey cows D B C A. D places over B in a close placing. I give D the advantage in being deeper through her chest floor and prefer the length and snugness of her fore udder...
April 25 2015
B A D C is my placing for this great class of Guernsey cows. B uses her combination of dairy strength and udder to get to the top the class today over A. She is a longer cow from nose to tail with more...