Holstein and Jerseys flip flop for Supreme. In the Junior Supreme Champion ceremony, the seven breed champions paraded under the spotlight in front of a packed Coliseum crowd. The bright lights stopped...
Youth showcase their cattle presentation skills. It was an amazing sight . . . hundreds of youth stayed late into the night on Thursday to compete in World Dairy Expo's showmanship contest. Youth were...
Attendees at World Dairy Expo were asked dairy-related questions to determine if they were "smarter than a Hoard's Dairyman editor." Associate editor, Amanda Smith, took part in the fun activity on Friday...
Featuring deep classes and fancy cows, the International Brown Swiss Show did not disappoint. The cows paraded in with the traditional fanfare of the New Glarus Yodel Club and the Swiss bells around the...
Winning cow families and farm families rise to the top. The Junior Champion honors was a family affair, with siblings and cousins, Crystal, Jordan, Jake, Josh, Connor and Lauren Siemers of Wisconsin, taking...
With his usual gusto, Michael Heath had the music turned up in the ring and headed toward the four cows he had pulled out for Grand Champion of the show. He walked the group once then doubled back to slap...
The dairy industry honors its leaders. The National Dairy Shrine annual banquet will be held at World Dairy Expo on Thursday, October 2, after a year hiatus when the banquet was held in Harrisburg last...
Trade show exhibitors mingled with fellow attendees as they enjoyed appetizers and beverages at the party hosted by Hoard's Dairyman and World Dairy Expo. The room was packed and overflowed into the foyer,...
Four-year-olds TJ Classic Minister Venus-ET and Marynole Excite Rosey emerged at the top of the deepest Jersey cow class of the day and stayed side by side throughout the afternoon
Completeness, balance and strong udders described the cows that Judge Molly Sloan found to the top of the classes throughout the day at the Junior Holstein Show on Tuesday
Judge Wallace made his selection from 257 head exhibited in the International Ayrshire show. The sound of bagpipes faded, and Judge David Wallace walked toward the middle of the ring tapping the winning...
Morrisville State College emerged as the handy winner by Abby Bauer, Hoard's Dairyman Associate Editor A pair of schools from the state of New York judged their way to the top of the 26th annual International...
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker joined World Dairy Expo and New Holland to slice the ribbon on the New Holland Pavilions. After months of planning, discussion and round-the-clock construction, the New...
It was a battle between the Badgers and Big Red for the blue. 2014 University of Wisconsin-Madison Tie was the word of the day at the National Collegiate Dairy Judging Contest. This year marked the third-ever...
Annually the city hosts 190-plus 4-H Dairy Conference delegates from across the nation, as they delve into the industry's history. For many years it has been the pleasure of the Hoard's Dairyman staff...
by Amanda Smith, Associate Editor "Milk quality is a topic of continued debate that poses significant problems for the sustainability of the Southeastern dairy industry," noted Steve Oliver, University...
The craze over yogurt has been building steadily over the last several years as studies have repeatedly shown a broad spectrum of health benefits associated with the product. Researchers have found yogurt...
For dairymen who purchase corn and soybeans, grain harvest speculations have been a boon to their bottom lines. But, the effects of a record haul could dampen if the crop is stuck in transportation limbo
Handy Hint: September 25, 2014 Extended chute saves trucks and grain When one of my employees came too close to a truck last year while filling it with the grain cart, I decided to fix the problem. I simply...