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Nov. 15 2023
Events like World Dairy Expo can make a dairy producer’s heart beat a little faster at the sight of shiny new equipment and innovative technology to manage the herd
Nov. 15 2023
Calves enter a world filled with bacteria, viruses, and parasites. These organisms can make them sick or even lead to death
Nov. 14 2023
Love it or hate it, the U.S. dairy industry has grown to a size where exports are an important factor in the strength of domestic milk prices
Nov. 14 2023
To better organize our tire sidewalls used to cover the silage pile, we built this rack out of I-beams and 2-inch tubing
Nov. 14 2023
One of the more popular songs, “My Favorite Things,” is one that I heard many times over the years and can easily be pulled into my head
Nov. 14 2023
Something happens to us when we age — quiet times of reflection occur more often, at least for me
Nov. 14 2023
In my life’s journey, I put people into two different categories: drains and radiators
Nov. 14 2023
Having just wrapped up a phone call with a nutritionist regarding farm programs related to sustainability and carbon credits, the time is right to revisit the topic
Nov. 14 2023
The latest dairy news from the U.S. Capitol
Nov. 13 2023
A feed and forage outlook for the year aheadpresented by: Hay & Forage Grower’s Managing Editor Mike Rankin and the University of Illinois’ Mike Hutjenssponsored by KuhnFarmers faced a my
Nov. 13 2023
What is the dairy community’s role in the future of the world’s food system? That’s a question government leaders, animal rights activists, a growing world population, food processors,...
Nov. 13 2023
In the show The Big Bang Theory, one of the main characters, Dr. Sheldon Cooper, has a very particular fondness for one location on the show’s main set, the characters’ living room
Nov. 13 2023
It would be useful if we could look into a crystal ball and see what the dairy industry was going to be like in 2024
Nov. 13 2023
For seven consecutive quarters ending in the fourth quarter of last year, the export value of U.S. dairy products beat year-ago levels by 20% or more
Nov. 9 2023
Share your holiday greetings with original artwork by esteemed dairy artist Larry Schultz!
Nov. 9 2023
This summer was Earth’s hottest on record. For dairy cattle around the world and the farmers that take care of them, that heat made producing high-quality milk more challenging
Nov. 9 2023
Digital dermatitis is an infectious foot disease that is very hard to remove once a dairy herd is infected. It is possible, though, to keep this problem at bay
Nov. 9 2023
You can’t spend much time in the dairy social media world lately without knowing that butterfat prices are really high
Nov. 9 2023
U.S. dairy consumption has been steadily rising for years, reaching more than 11.5 million metric tons (milk solids equivalent) in 2022
Nov. 6 2023
I was curious to learn more about dairy cooperatives and get a better understanding of NMPF’s work on their behalf