My social media news feeds are about 20% updates from family and friends, 20% communication with other veterinarians about cases and practice, 40% a waste of time with someone trying to sell me something...
The concentration of neutral detergent fiber, hereafter referred to as fiber or NDF, is the major determinant of the digestibility and energy concentration of a feed
For dairy and many other food categories, a lot of attention is placed on the needs and wants of Generation Z, or Gen Z. This group of young people born between the late 1990s and the early 2010s represents...
It’s not as exciting to talk about as your herd’s production levels, genetic accomplishments, or crop performances, but safety can be just as impactful on the farm’s bottom line
In a recent podcast with Phil Durst of the MSUE Dairy Team and leadership expert Ben Lichtenwalner of Radiant Forest LLC, Lichtenwalner explained the simplicity and effectiveness of servant leadership...
What we call the farm bill impacts the U.S. food system far beyond the farm. In fact, roughly three-quarters of the bill’s efforts often go to nutrition and anti-hunger programs, and those discussions...
There have been numerous news articles, research reports, and podcasts about the “Japanification” of the Chinese economy. They draw parallels between China today and the experience of Japan...
In parts of the country that haven’t chopped corn for silage yet, the anticipation grows in regard to when the crop will be ready and how good the feed will be. During the August Hoard’s Dairyman...
This episode of the Herd It Here podcast discusses the discovery, development, and current status of one of the dairy industry’s newest genetic conditions: early onset muscle weakness
Optimizing corn harvest for silage under variable growing conditionspresented by John Goeser, Rock River Laboratorysponsored by Lallemand During this session, Goeser will lean on hi
Research continues to help better understand the intersection of management and the nutritional quality of milk. Driven by the Ireland dairy industry's interest in supporting the export market, food scientists...
Calf rearing aims to promote growth and intestinal development while minimizing health incidences. One of the significant challenges for young calves is diarrhea and other digestive issues. Digestive challenges...
The very best way to determine if your heat abatement tools are working is to ask the cows. During an Iowa State University Extension webinar, Jennifer Van Os shared signs that help evaluate the effectiveness...
Though 2023 has largely been a financial disappointment for dairy farmers, those effects have been somewhat buffered by the strong milk prices received through much of last year. That’s reflected...
People choose to drink plant-based beverages for a variety of reasons. If they are making that decision based on perceived health benefits, new research further supports the fact that most plant-based...
The National Dairy FARM Program has evolved over the years to become a rigorous on-farm quality assurance program and trusted industry risk mitigation tool that gives the supply chain the confidence it...
Anyone who has milked cows in a parlor has likely noticed that certain members of a herd have preferences for when they come in to be milked. There always seem to be cows that tend to wait around and make...