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May 4 2021
I’ve been reading the book “Grit” by Angela Duckworth. She defines grit as passion and perseverance for long-term goals
April 30 2021
It’s dairy banquet season, at least in Iowa. It’s the season where dairy producers and supporters come together to honor outstanding farming families, recognize friends of the industry
April 28 2021
Assembling an “A-Team” roster and not just people on your payroll is easier than most think
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April 26 2021
Many of us who grew up on a farm or raised kids on a farm often say that it’s one of the best childhoods there is
April 23 2021
Each year that I’ve been an undergraduate student at Cornell, my Sigma Alpha chapter has put on an event that we like to call “The Art of Agriculture.”
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April 21 2021
I didn’t grow up wanting to be a farmer. I resented being the farm kid. I couldn’t go to friend’s houses after school because there were calves to feed
Molly Blog Lizzie
April 16 2021
When I was 8 years old, a tiny, premature calf was born that I absolutely fell in love with. Her body was somewhat average in size, but her legs were short and stubby
April 15 2021
Many aspects of our dairy and ways of thinking have changed here at Hillcrest Farms since moving to a robotic milking system. The work is less physical and more mental
April 14 2021
Cow cooling, animal care, and a well-balanced ration all go a long way in in keeping cows healthy through hot weather.
April 13 2021
That much-awaited spring sunshine has finally arrived in the Pacific Northwest. In rather full force this week, we are expected to hit temperatures in the high 70s
April 12 2021
A cooperative of dairy farmers can benefit all
April 8 2021
Last week, my home community lost someone very special. He was a cornerstone of the agriculture community there, and his presence was unforgettable. When my family and our 4-H club heard the news
April 6 2021
My parents sold their milking cows a few weeks ago. It was actually just a few days before my family was headed to visit them for spring break
April 5 2021
The national dairy farmer checkoff was established to grow demand for milk, cheese, and other dairy foods and ingredients through research and promotion
April 2 2021
For generations of Schmitt men (my grandpa, dad, brother, and hopefully, my nephews), their hands have told the story of dairy farming
April 1 2021
Providing A.I. services for hobby farms has become a fun side job for me
March 31 2021
TikTok has become a unique platform to teach consumers about dairy farming in a fun way
March 30 2021
You can’t pour passion from an empty cup
March 29 2021
The future is bright for college students studying agriculture
March 26 2021
As women, we are farmers, farmer’s daughters, farmer’s wives, and so many other things, but that does not dictate our roles or capabilities