Be willing to stay updated on issues across the country and around the world, because how it is being dealt with might come in handy for your farm one day
The other night, our robotic milkers called 36 times with one alarm or another. My dad got an early start on morning milking simply because he had been up since 11 p.m. the night prior tending to the robots
There is no denying that dairy farming is a full-time job. Unfortunately, in this dairy economy, and really it seems for some time now, the key to survival is diversification
The “farm kid” identity definitely carries a weighted list of stereotypes — some may be perceived as negative while others prove to be a positive in the job and internship search
The world is a weird place filled with uncertainty. Last year illustrated this, but sadly we were only a handful of days into the new year when 2021 documented this, too
For most people, January is considered a fresh start. Belongings are often organized and purged to make room for the new, nutrition is top of mind after indulging in holiday treats, and many consider improving...
Dairy farming is traditionally thought of as a generational vocation. Farms are handed down from parents to children over time, or from an owner to a successor
In my last blog, I shared insights from the Animal Agriculture Alliance’s report from the virtual Farmed Animal Conference E-Summit (FACES) hosted during the summer
‘Tis the season for rambling posts and general unfriendliness on account of political views. As election day grows closer, I am reminded of 2016 and the massive fallouts of that November
I just want to start this by saying that I hate politics for so many reasons. I hate how politicians give off the air of being superior to the rest of us when they technically work for us
As I clicked on the LinkedIn website the other day, the first image on my newsfeed was of two people I knew well: a Florida dairy farmer and his youngest daughter