The next time you purchase beef or pork from the grocery store or butcher shop look at the label. Prior to March 1, 2012, the nutrition facts label on these cuts of meat will be updated to more accurately...
For the 82nd Year, readers can test their dairy judging skills Dairy producers, youth, and allied industry have judged our cover cows in our January 10 to March 10 issues for over eight decades. Rotating...
Setting goals for your dairy can be done at any time, but take the time this New Year to write them down.Yesterday, I worked with high school students preparing their 2012 livestock project goals. The...
Much of the U.S. dairy industry wanted it, but milk quality officials didn't have the guts to do it earlier this year. Now here it comes anyway: a stricter but entirely doable 400,000 SCC limit on at least...
Last Wednesday reminded us that checkoff events are free to anyone who pays the checkoff. You, too, are likely a paying checkoff member as $1 per head per transaction is collected...
Top 50 genomic Holstein bulls are all over 788 Net Merit. Genomics is accelerating the pace of genetic change. In the Holstein breed, it took a Net Merit (NM$) score of 788 to make the top 50 list among...
Sire summaries are released next week. A new group of genomic bulls will have their information published and older bulls will graduate to the ranks of daughter proven. Both will vie for your semen-purchasing...
New websites are striving to be national online farmers’ markets. In an age where knowing your farmer is a wanted quality, they might be on to something
At first glance, the U.S. Department of Labor's (USDOL) proposed updates to child labor laws appear harmless. But, as is the case with most government regulations, the devil is in the details
Nearly all the growth in September milk production once again came from the Western dairy states which all posted positive gains as they did in August. Leading the pack was Texas reporting a 10.1 percent...
A collection of videos from the 2011 World Dairy Expo are available at our YouTube channel, We do have more videos coming, including the Supreme Champion Parade, William...
Around the world of dairy in 5 days. Whether if its by plane, racecar, or super-sized Monster truck, Madison, Wisconsin is the place to be this week. Vi-COR promoted their Exhibit Hall booth with "Bigfoot"...
Trade shows and free stuff go together like playoff baseball in October. If you're in need of pens, tablets, stress balls, or tee-shirts, trade shows like World Dairy Expo are the place to be
The Secretary of Labor, under the Fair Labor Standards Act, is charged with prohibiting employment of youth in occupations that she deems particularly hazardous. The current target, as they propose to...
The Daily Beast (, an online news site which merged with Newsweek this year, printed their list of the "20 Most Useless College Majors." Let's just say, we don't think they nailed...
Although it may not seem like it, application season is right around the corner. Preparing well can land you your dream internship. The start of the school year isn't far away (if it hasn't begun already),...