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March 28 2019
Earlier this month, my daughter Cassie's basketball team had their first loss. It was a tough loss
March 25 2019
When you are wondering what is going on in the world of dairy promotion, where do you go to find the latest information?
March 22 2019
In the 1950s, the U.S. had 22 million dairy cows and the average milk production was 598 gallons per cow
March 14 2019
The dairy industry is in a national emergency, or at least through my own lens we are
March 12 2019
Revenue, reliable employees, and record-breaking (and structure breaking) winter weather. Right now, we dairy farmers have more than enough when it comes to serious challenges
March 1 2019
Involvement in a dairy cattle breed association can build relationships with other breeders both locally and around the country
Feb. 28 2019
Let me start off by saying that no major decision should ever be made during a crisis. Let's be honest, it would have been real easy to throw in the towel and find a new occupation during last month's...
Feb. 27 2019
I have a friend who is very religious, like, "Harry Potter is the work of Satan" religious. We have a mutual friend who has her doubts about religion but is open to listening
Feb. 25 2019
This time of year brings youth indoors for competitions. In a few months, they will be outdoors working with their animals on a more regular basis
Feb. 22 2019
When asked about dairy recommendations for people ages 2 and older, most dietitians will advise people to choose low-fat (1 percent) or fat-free (skim) milk, which is also what MyPlate recommends
Feb. 18 2019
When it is hot outside, the future of your herd is impacted — and that is not just while the temperature is elevated
Feb. 4 2019
While the New England Patriots scored more points than the Los Angeles Rams in Super Bowl LIII, it might be a stretch to call them a winner
Feb. 1 2019
I’m all for a nice sit-down dinner. Shoot, I’m all for most types of dinners. I like casual restaurants, the occasional dive bar, and family meals packed around a too small table and handmade...
Jan. 25 2019
Multiple news outlets have dubbed 2019 as “The year of the vegan.” Headlines like “Everything is ready to make 2019 the ‘year of the vegan’. Are you?”
Jan. 24 2019
From time to time, we all like to go on a vacation. Dad likes to hike, kayak, and bike, while Uncle Andy enjoys golfing and spending time at the lake
Jan. 21 2019
They say that past performance is the best indicator of future results
Caitlin Blog Photo
Jan. 10 2019
I know in many of my blogs I have talked about getting more and more information out to the public. This is key. It is what we lack in the dairy industry
Dec. 14 2018
Finals week is around the corner and many college students, like myself, are trying to stay motivated to finish this semester strong. I thought comparing college finals to milking cows would be a fun way...
Dec. 11 2018
As the industry we love looks to head into yet another difficult year, it’s hard not to be frustrated
Nov. 27 2018
‘Tis the season of giving, and perhaps you’re wondering how you can help support farm families for this year’s #GivingTuesday