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Oct. 17 2018
It’s not that I don’t have enough to do already. Yet for some reason, when I get asked to talk to a group of preschoolers about dairy, I always say yes!
Oct. 12 2018
Thank you, dairy farmers. Thank you for devoting your lives to caring for animals, caring for the environment, and caring for us by producing a nutritious and safe product
Oct. 10 2018
If I’m being completely honest, I’ve never fully understood the allure of a cow show. I showed for 11 years in 4-H, but I was in it more for the 4-H than the cow show
Oct. 8 2018
The 6-year-old took home Grand Champion in the Holstein Show
Oct. 6 2018
The World Classic Sale lineup offered something for all buyers, from heifers with huge genomic numbers over 2900 GTPI to daughters of the world’s greatest show cows classified up to EX-97
Oct. 6 2018
Kyle Barton of Copake, New York was named the 15th Merle Howard Award winner at World Dairy Expo on Saturday, October 6
Oct. 5 2018
Klussendorf Winner, Adam Liddle Adam Liddle of Arygle, N.Y., was named the 77th winner of the Klussendorf Award, the highest recognition given to a dairy cattle showman in the United States
Oct. 5 2018
The philosophy at Ovaltop Holsteins has always been to breed a top herd of registered Holsteins while improving each generation by pursuing exceptional type, outstanding production, and enhanced genetics
Oct. 5 2018
Since 1978, Mapleton Valley Farms have exhibited their Milking Shorthorn cattle at the World Dairy Expo. Pat and Phyllis Agnew with their two children
Oct. 5 2018
For many young people, the next frontier is college and career selection. Since 1954, National 4-H Dairy Conference has done its best to position students to better understand what careers might be a good...
Oct. 4 2018
Maple Fudge of 12 Oaks, owned by siblings Colton and Ashley Brandel of Lake Mills, Wis., was named Grand Champion of the International Milking Shorthorn Show at World Dairy Expo
Oct. 3 2018
Hoard’s Dairyman and World Dairy Expo threw a great Trade Show Exhibitor Party on Tuesday night to kick-off the show
Oct. 3 2018
It was the aged cow from California that rose to the top of the field of 216 cattle shown in the 15th International Junior Holstein Show
Oct. 3 2018
Four young ladies with matching dresses and suit jackets commanded the day at the International Post-Secondary Judging Contest on Monday, October 1
Oct. 2 2018
If you are a cow person and you’ve attended World Dairy Expo, I would wager you have a favorite showring memory
Sept. 30 2018
Over 200 judging team members and coaches arrived at the Hoard’s Dairyman Farm on Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. to judge a class of Guernsey four-year old cows
Sept. 27 2018
I recently just finished a 5K (5 kilometer) race held in conjunction with the Quad Cities Marathon
Peters Photos (1)
Sept. 26 2018
Being a young farmer has never been easy. We go through the same struggles as our parents when they started out
Posilac the end of an era
Sept. 19 2018
As consumers continue to drive the market based on fear and misinformation while manufacturers continue to bend to their will, the dairy industry will continue to see useful technology challenged and marketed...
Sept. 18 2018
There’s only ever 24 hours in a day, but my goodness how nice it would be to add a few more hours on those days when we need them!