My farm boys have just two weeks of school left while many others are already out of school. It’s the time of year that kids look forward to the most, a magical time in childhood
Perhaps you are a person who works full time at another job but dreams of owning a small farm someday. Or maybe you already operate a farm but want to add another enterprise or start a side busi
Each spring, Lakeshore Technical College typically holds a graduation banquet in northeast Wisconsin for its graduating dairy students, but the past few years have not been typical
If you entered this year’s Hoard’s Dairyman Cow Judging Contest but didn’t see your name on the winners' lists in our May issue, don’t beat yourself up too badly
I was once told by a vet, “The scours didn't kill your calf, you did.” I was completely appalled at the fact that he had just accused me of letting my calf die
In my current position as a veterinarian working for a dairy cooperative, I often get questions from the general public during farm tours or through social media and our consumer hotline