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Jan. 25 2023
Inspiration is good, but we also need to recognize the truth of our own lives and abilities
Jan. 16 2023
As the “Your Dairy Checkoff” podcast starts its third year featuring farmer hosts, dairy industry guests, and in-depth conversations about dairy products and farming promotion, we want to thank
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Dec. 16 2022
A local chocolate milk and other promotions helped spread the dairy message at the New York City Marathon
Nov. 15 2022
The discussion at animal rights conferences held over the past year continued to focus on animal agriculture
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Nov. 2 2022
In one summer, my brother went from farmer to rocket scientist
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Nov. 1 2022
Labor costs more than just money on a farm. That can be positive while also challenging
10 Nate & Chef Anthony High Res
Oct. 20 2022
Sharing their knowledge and experience cultivates dairy advocates
Oct. 17 2022
If your local store is low on dairy products, take the time to say something – they may thank you
Oct. 10 2022
Despite the opinions of extreme activists, dairy still has a place in the world that should be defended
Oct. 7 2022
While cows are front and center at World Dairy Expo, the high-quality feed needed for dairy cattle to remain productive and healthy is also recognized during the show
Klussendorf MT2_6156
Oct. 6 2022
John Erbsen of Lanark, Illinois, was presented the 80th Klussendorf Award, the highest recognition given to a dairy cattle showman in the United States during the 55th World Dairy Expo
Oct. 2 2022
National Dairy Shrine has several missions. These include recording significant events in dairy history, honoring past and present leaders, promoting the dairy industry, and inspiring future leaders
Cheese pushers
Sept. 13 2022
American Dairy Association (ADA) North East is one of the state and regional dairy checkoff organizations that has a fully developed retail program designed to keep dairy cases clean, cold, and well-s
Aug. 29 2022
My summer as the Hoard’s Dairyman editorial intern has given me some priceless learning moments and memories
Aug. 22 2022
There is an entirely new generation to reach with the dairy story, so checkoff adapted new strategies to tell it
International Cheese Awards PR
Aug. 12 2022
Two Hoard’s Dairyman Farm Creamery cheeses did well in England and in Wisconsin
Aug. 1 2022
Take a couple of advocating tips with you to the fair this summer
July 25 2022
Everyone wants to feel valued. Farm workers are no different, no matter how big or small the job is
July 12 2022
Overseeing dairy manufacturing keeps my days variable and full
June 27 2022
Hear it from a college senior – take every opportunity you can get to grow and learn to build a better future for yourself