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Aug. 11 2021
Social media can be an intimidating place, but sharing your story is important and can be fun
Jan. 25 2021
The first time I did chores was like no other experience.The feeling of warmth in the barn. The feeling of safety
Dec. 14 2020
I asked several dairy farmers who are successful in connecting with consumers through social media
Nov. 17 2020
In my last blog, I shared insights from the Animal Agriculture Alliance’s report from the virtual Farmed Animal Conference E-Summit (FACES) hosted during the summer
Nov. 5 2020
I wrote this post on the eve of Election Day. I don't really want to talk about politics, and I'm not going to divulge who I plan to vote for. That is not the point
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Nov. 3 2020
Today is Election Day. There will be excitement, disappointment, and maybe even some surprises, too. It’s going to be a long day
Sept. 16 2020
A lot of people have asked me how I like home schooling my kids through this pandemic
July 10 2020
As producers, I’m sure most of you have heard pleas from agriculture communicators asking you to tell your story
May 6 2020
If you’ve been following my blogs or my social media, you know what mental health in agriculture means to me. In fact, two of the most honest and open things I’ve ever put out into the world...
May 5 2020
The pandemic has dramatically changed life as we know it. Consumers now shop, eat, live, and work differently
April 10 2020
Everything is hard right now. I know that, you know that. What’s worse is that it’s all out of our control. In times like these, I need two things. First, someone to vent to — a close...
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March 25 2020
As farmers, we’re uniquely fortunate when it comes to being quarantined for long periods of time. I don’t know about you, but before it was encouraged or legally enforced, I used to spend weeks...
Oct. 23 2019
Agriculture is hard right now. Not just financially or physically, but emotionally and mentally, too. As hard as it is to talk to our families, sometimes it’s even harder to talk to professionals...
Sept. 18 2019
Over the last decade, the dairy industry has faced more controversy than ever before. If variable prices and Mother Nature weren’t enough, we now face opposition from a group of people who are determined...
May 24 2019
The rain has started falling again, and I am once again staring out the window wondering when and if it will stop
Posilac the end of an era
Sept. 19 2018
As consumers continue to drive the market based on fear and misinformation while manufacturers continue to bend to their will, the dairy industry will continue to see useful technology challenged and marketed...
Aug. 1 2018
It’s becoming increasingly obvious to me that what we’re doing right now in the dairy industry isn’t working. If it were, family farms wouldn’t be selling out at such an alarming...
April 23 2018
A typical stroll down the grocery store aisle exposes the shopper to almost 40,000 different products
Jan. 25 2018
We have to step up together, innovate, and share our message. It is time for dairy farmers to “Face Everything and Rise”
Patti-Dad (2)
Dec. 22 2017
Earlier this month, I flew to Oregon to milk cows while my dad had surgery. I had instructions and milked with him from start to finish for three days prior to his departure