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Aug. 17 2021
Understanding how smoke affects cow health could be critical in the future of the fire-ravaged West
July 30 2021
With more emphasis being placed on the well-being of livestock all the time, students can gain experience in this type of evaluation through the Animal Welfare Assessment Contest
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July 28 2021
These tips make days on the farm easier
July 23 2021
With a small, four person staff strictly made up of family, formal business meetings are replaced by spontaneous planning sessions in passing, at the dinner table, or while working cattle on our dairy...
July 21 2021
Dairy’s biggest hurdle may not be what you might think. It is all too easy to call out nut juices and lab grown proteins as dairy’s biggest obstacles, but you would be wrong
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July 14 2021
Coping with the stress of farming is necessary
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July 13 2021
The issues we can tackle as dairy advocates are numerous
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June 30 2021
I’m slightly ashamed to admit that I used to be a very different person. I used to be the kind of farmer who wore the long hours like a badge of honor
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June 29 2021
To tell an effective agriculture story online, a farm should consider who they’re trying to reach, what information they want to share, and what content will do the best job of reaching consumers
June 25 2021
Farmers tend to be most enthusiastic and tell our best anecdotes to fellow farmers; however, paring down stories or biting our tongue on details about our farm can be a true disservice to the consumer...
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June 7 2021
Irritated was one word to describe the emotions I felt in fourth grade. As I eagerly joined a local 4-H club, I was ready to become actively involved
milkpep - youregonnaneedmilkforthat
May 26 2021
National Dairy Month is always a time of pride for dairy farmers and the industry as a whole
May 25 2021
Each spring, Lakeshore Technical College typically holds a graduation banquet in northeast Wisconsin for its graduating dairy students, but the past few years have not been typical
May 24 2021
I have been known as my father’s little helper since the day I could walk. Growing up on a family-run dairy near Fort Atkinson, Iowa, all hands were on deck
May 14 2021
There’s one job on our farm that everyone gets involved with at one point or another. It’s a looming, tedious task that rears its head in the midst of spring planting, school wrapping up, and...
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May 10 2021
Human beings are complex, and that means our interactions are, too
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April 26 2021
Many of us who grew up on a farm or raised kids on a farm often say that it’s one of the best childhoods there is
April 23 2021
Each year that I’ve been an undergraduate student at Cornell, my Sigma Alpha chapter has put on an event that we like to call “The Art of Agriculture.”
April 6 2021
My parents sold their milking cows a few weeks ago. It was actually just a few days before my family was headed to visit them for spring break
April 2 2021
For generations of Schmitt men (my grandpa, dad, brother, and hopefully, my nephews), their hands have told the story of dairy farming