Thank you, dairy farmers. Thank you for devoting your lives to caring for animals, caring for the environment, and caring for us by producing a nutritious and safe product
If I’m being completely honest, I’ve never fully understood the allure of a cow show. I showed for 11 years in 4-H, but I was in it more for the 4-H than the cow show
Maple Fudge of 12 Oaks, owned by siblings Colton and Ashley Brandel of Lake Mills, Wis., was named Grand Champion of the International Milking Shorthorn Show at World Dairy Expo
Whether it’s clipping, leading, doing nightline, or something else, everybody has a way of helping out to make sure the cattle make it to the ring ready for the show
World Dairy Expo is a family-friendly event, but anyone with young children knows that taking a trip anywhere requires extra planning, both prior to the activity and once you get there
There is a consistent message that dairy producers have been hearing — Connect with your consumers. They want to know the people who produce their food
Remember when everyone used to tell you that having a farm blog was a priority — before social media was all the rage? Are farm websites and blogs worth the time to build today?
Uncertain times in the dairy world make our road to robotic milking scary, but here we go. We are finally finished with our plans to add robots on the sides of our conventional freestall flush barn
A big part of my husband’s and my decision to come back to the farm was based on the way we wanted to raise our family. There really is no comparison to the values and lessons that this way of life...
The school bell rang last week and my kids went back to school. Truthfully, it will be an adjusting period for our entire household, as we have three children in three different schools — freshman,...
Farmers are certainly the last of a dying breed. I’ve watched them fight through snowstorms, hurricanes, wildfires, and floods. I’ve known farmers who have worked through migraines, pneumonia,...