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April 11 2023
Our youngest loves books. A large part of my day includes a never-ending stack of books appearing on my lap
April 10 2023
A certain amount of stress can be motivating; it can drive us to take action. Unfortunately, too much stress leads to changes that impact our mind, our body, and our relationships with the people around...
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April 4 2023
I mentioned to my mom the other day that my one-year-old daughter is starting to have opinions on things like what she wants to eat and what she wants to wear
March 31 2023
This creative piece was written by one of our regular authors, Gerald Anderson. Be sure to read the full story to reveal a fun twist at the end!
March 29 2023
“Roots, roots, roots, and more roots. I want roots.” That was the message soil scientist Jamie Patton shared loud and clear during her presentation at the Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin’s...
Top five reasons to use youtube
March 27 2023
When asked which platform is best to reach today’s consumer, there’s one that shows up prominently in Google searches and social media: YouTube. Why is that?
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March 23 2023
March is one of those months that is, plain and simple, unpredictable. The time change throws everyone off at the beginning of the month, and the weather doesn’t know what it wants to do
Jess blog
March 22 2023
My simple answer to the question posed in the title is a resounding yes. Why? Because whether we like it or not, we’re in the business of selling a product
March 21 2023
Sometimes on the farm, I just need a bit of good news. For those of you who dairy or have in the past, you know what I mean. A little pick-me-up of good news just hits the spot
March 20 2023
Despite the several feet of snow that insist on remaining on the ground in some parts of the Midwest, the calendar says that March 20 is the first day of spring! Many hopeful things are on everyone’s...
March 17 2023
A strand of twine, an empty teat dip barrel, a lose piece of wire, a scrap of freestall neck rail, emptied mineral tubs, extra metal brackets, broken skid loader attachments, and so forth — these...
March 15 2023
The thought of creating a business plan for your farm can be daunting, but this document serves several important purposes. For starters, it may be required by a lender when applying for financing. It...
March 13 2023
If the past year has taught me anything, it’s the importance of having options in the grocery store
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March 9 2023
Ah, March: that one month that starts out cold, chilly, snowy, and mostly miserable, but typically turns sunny, windy, and bearable
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March 7 2023
Most days, 5:30 a.m. finds me at a local gym. The format is a group training session that lasts 45 minutes. It is efficient and leaves no time to chat
March 6 2023
I’m sure several farmers can recall a time when they have reached a point where the next step in trying to repair their equipment is taking it back to the dealer. I
March 3 2023
We’re gearing up for a very rare occasion on our farm — my mom and dad are taking multiple days off to go visit one of our relatives in Florida!
March 2 2023
Agricultural occupations have been dominated historically by men, but women are making their stamp on the industry. In the United States, 1.2 million producers are now female
March 1 2023
The strong work ethic reputation that farm kids carry most often comes from job responsibilities that began at a young age
Feb. 27 2023
During this school year, I have the pleasure of being an intern with Edge Dairy Cooperative, a group that is partnered with Minnesota Milk Producers Association