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Oct. 28 2021
It seems everyone in the United States is having supply chain issues right now. Some have faced worse challenges than others
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Oct. 21 2021
These apps can help your dairy run more smoothly
July 21 2021
Dairy’s biggest hurdle may not be what you might think. It is all too easy to call out nut juices and lab grown proteins as dairy’s biggest obstacles, but you would be wrong
July 15 2021
The topic of responsible and sustainable animal agriculture has received a lot of attention in recent years, but these concepts are nothing new to the American farmer
June 11 2021
Small jobs on the farm can create big learning opportunities for children
April 15 2021
Many aspects of our dairy and ways of thinking have changed here at Hillcrest Farms since moving to a robotic milking system. The work is less physical and more mental
March 29 2021
The future is bright for college students studying agriculture
March 2 2021
How can we add stability into our milk production system?
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Nov. 16 2020
Last week, as the North American International Livestock Expo in Louisville, Ky., finished up, it was easy to admire all the beautiful cows
April 29 2020
What’s greater, a positive or a negative? A plus one or a minus one? Mathematically, positive numbers always progress in a positive trajectory
Feb. 5 2020
It’s that time of year again: YDLI Graduation! It’s a long, strenuous journey, but it is worth every minute of it
Jan. 20 2020
While we are not at $20 milk quite yet, a boost of over a buck is a step in the right direction. Mark Stephenson gave his predictions for the upcoming year in “The dairy situation and outlook for...
Dec. 17 2019
Just a few months ago, a lifelong dairyman of 50 years suddenly passed away. In reflecting upon the humble farmer who put others and his cattle before himself, the officiant shared his unique perspective...
Nov. 18 2019
“Looking at the big picture . . . excessive rainfall had a huge impact on both hay crops and corn silages this year,” said Mike Rankin
Oct. 21 2019
“Animal welfare is the result of the positive outcome of the interaction between humans and the animals,” said Robert Hagevoort, of New Mexico State University during the monthly webinar
Oct. 9 2019
We’ve never been the herd with the lowest somatic cell count (SCC). Our numbers have always bounced around, and we’ve literally tried everything to stabilize them
Oct. 1 2019
If you are lucky enough to find yourself sitting ringside during one of the World Dairy Expo dairy cattle shows, there’s an opportunity for you to place the animals right along with the official...
Sept. 20 2019
It’s been said many times before, but we’ll say it again. No matter the operation, a healthy start at birth for a calf will continuously prepare it to be an efficient, profitable cow
Sept. 10 2019
Our son started Kindergarten a few weeks ago, and this transition has been an exciting time in our home. There are some aspects that have made our daily routines simplified (hello uniforms!) and
July 30 2019
820 million. That’s the number of people in the world that remained food insecure in 2018