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Oct. 4 2012
Tonight, National Dairy Shrine will honor Industry Pioneers, Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder, Guest of Honor, as well as award over $40,000 in scholarships to college students. If you cannot attend...
Oct. 4 2012
Abelardo Martinez was recognized as World Dairy Expo International Person of the Year last night at Dinner with the Stars. President of World Dairy Expo, Mike Holschbach, welcomes the crowd Four recipients...
Oct. 4 2012
From the signature colored wood shavings of the show ring to the networking opportunities of the trade show, to the judging awards ceremonies and everything in between, the Alliant Energy Center grounds...
Oct. 2 2012
Just 45 minutes away from the World Dairy Expo grounds, the National Dairy Shrine Museum offers more history and inspiration for dairy enthusiasts. Renovations to the Dairy Shrine Museum include a judging...
Oct. 2 2012
All four Penn State team members earn All-American Honors. Dustin Gates, Rebecca Shaw, Ariel Taxdal, Isaac Haagen and coach Dale Olver The Penn State Dairy Cattle Judging team entered the National Collegiate...
Oct. 1 2012
Judging teams will face off at Expo, but their coaches say experiences along the way are just as rewarding as the competition. While many of us grow up competing as dairy cattle judges, a few get the chance...
Sept. 30 2012
Contestants get some final practice before tomorrow's national contest. It was a beautiful morning in Fort Atkinson. Over 150 students and coaches arrived at the Hoard's Dairyman Farm in preparation for...
Sept. 24 2012
Even when the current farm bill expires on September 30, food stamps and crop insurance are all funded for the remainder of the fiscal year
Sept. 20 2012
Saturday night, our industry endured yet another tragic loss with the passing of a Northern Ireland dairy farmer and his two sons. The three died from effects of exposure to poisonous manure gases as sons...
Sept. 10 2012
This summer, I had the honor and privilege of working as the 24th Hoard's Dairyman Editorial Intern. This opportunity not only gave me a chance to improve my writing and editing skills
Aug. 29 2012
On Monday, August 27, Hoard's Dairyman hosted a special webinar. With drought conditions affecting so much of the United States, the feed supply will be limited and for much of the country, the quality...
Aug. 27 2012
As many college students return to class during the next few weeks, they will pay their fall semester tuition and fees. On top of that, more bills for books, housing and meal plans will need to be paid
Aug. 20 2012
It's easy to be pessimistic when times are as bad as they are this year. It's also easy to focus on dark clouds so hard that you don't notice when a glow finally appears on the horizon
Aug. 10 2012
Bad has turned to worse for milk producers in the nation's largest dairy state. Few, if any, California dairies managed to fully recover from the 2009 cost:price crisis before another outbreak in 2012
Aug. 8 2012
Immigration reform is an ongoing national debate. Those of us involved in the paperwork and potential legal harassment associated with finding capable, willing and possibly foreign workers have considered...
Aug. 2 2012
To remain a player we cannot remain disinvested in agriculture. Last Thursday we shared some insight from Sonny Ramaswamy the recently appointed director of the USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture...
July 18 2012
Clayton Yeutter, former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture and Trade Representative (USTR), opened Monday's "Is this farm boom different?" at the Kansas City Federal Reserve by answering the event's main question
July 6 2012
We've all heard the benefits of separating our first-calf heifers from their older herdmates. It provides our new cows with a chance to adapt to their surroundings, learn a new routine and, literally,...
June 20 2012
The cost of raising children increased again last year. That is no surprise with the cost of food and gasoline rising for everyone. According to Expenditures on Children by Families, a child born in 2011...