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smoke mask
Aug. 8 2018
It is no secret that the politics in California are a joke. For decades, California’s politics have haunted the agricultural community, but over the past few years we have been able to watch its...
Swamper tales_blog image
June 5 2018
One of my favorite reasons to read is the chance to transport myself into a different time or place that would otherwise be impossible
March 12 2018
One Christmas I asked for and received a Rubik’s cube – the three-dimensional puzzle
Jan. 17 2018
Even when offered really good professional advice, one should consider how that advice fits into the farm’s goals
Dec. 7 2017
Imagine you are driving down a country road and you see a farm off in the distance. It looks to be well cared for but as you approach the farm’s drive, there’s something wrong
Nov. 17 2017
During the November Hoard’s Dairyman monthly webinar, Cornell professor, Dave Barbano talked about how milk fatty acid analysis can reflect the metabolic health of cows
Aug. 18 2017
The August webinar focused on dry matter intake in four management groups: lactating cows, dry cows, growing heifers, and preweaned calves
Aug. 11 2017
In four of the past five years, Hoard’s Dairyman has captured the top webinar award from the American Agricultural Editor’s Association (AAEA)
singing to cows
Aug. 10 2017
We recently had the opportunity to share our farm with the public on the “Georgia Farm Monitor” television show that appears on RFDtv
cows talking
Aug. 9 2017
Cows may not use words to communicate but they sure know how to get their point across; and if you listen, they will tell you how to improve your margins
Aug. 8 2017
“So, how did it feel marrying into a farm family?” is a question I often get asked as a young female dairy farmer
July 26 2017
There are consumers who wish to learn about where their food comes from; how you go about answering that question could benefit the dairy industry or dramatically hurt it
Feb. 2 2017
Calf feeding shifts and early morning lectures never fail to leave me pressed for time when it comes to breakfast. Most days, I only grab an apple and my backpack before rushing out the door to class
Dec. 5 2016
I received one of my favorite types of texts from my dad this weekend. It was a photo of a pitch black, newly born Holstein heifer out of one of my cows. Just the way I like them!
Nov. 28 2016
Out with the old and in with the new. That’s the nature of food fads. Perhaps one of the best examples of this truth is the explosion in popularity of Greek yogurt
Nov. 23 2016
In my last blog post, “Simple social media for a busy farmer (hotlink to past post), I explained why it was important that you engage your consumers through social media
Oct. 19 2016
When dairies find themselves with limited space, one option is to locate a new home for calves or heifers. For some farms, this means a rented facility down the road
Oct. 7 2016
Ann Hoskins, Vita Plus Calf Care Specialist, shares the importance of feeding water to calves, even during cold weather
Sept. 12 2016
A survey of Iowa dairy farmers revealed their efforts to enhance fresh cow care. The transition period is fittingly named, as a dairy cow goes through a flood of transitions the 60 days precalving to 30...