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Oct. 18 2010
This year has been plagued with countless accidents that have severely injured dairy producers, or worst, taken their lives. Rollovers, auto accidents, exposure to toxic silo gas, hay bale crushing incidents,...
Oct. 11 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010, marked the first official observance of W. D. Hoard Day in the State of Wisconsin. Although this is the first official recognition of W.D. Hoard Day, in reality, Wisconsin residents...
Aug. 16 2010
A bill that would have set a national precedent by reducing the number of hours California farm employees must work in order to qualify for overtime pay has been vetoed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger....
Aug. 12 2010
August 17 is the release date for the DVD of the award-winning HBO movie about one of the livestock industry's most colorful and influential persons. The movie, Temple Grandin, is based on the writings...
Aug. 2 2010
Dairy markets are beginning to improve according to the Dairy Market News for the week of July 26-30, 2010. Both class and component prices for July 2010 under the Federal Milk Order pricing system are...
July 22 2010
Wisconsin agriculture lost a dedicated leader and advocate on Wednesday, July 21, when Rod Nilsestuen, the state's ag secretary, passed away unexpectedly. Nilsestuen drowned in Lake Superior while in Marquette,...
July 13 2010
Research shows that eating breakfast is one of the best ways to fuel both the body and mind. Students who eat breakfast also perform better in school. General Mills Foodservice has committed $100,000 to...
July 9 2010
Efforts to rid the U.S. cow population of tuberculosis have been underway since 1917, when scientists developed the first accurate early detection test. After nearly a century of increasingly more diligent...
June 10 2010
Yesterday, the National Milk Producers federation board of directors approved a recently formulated proposal that will request a major overhaul of U.S. dairy policy. The group's goal is to better protect...
May 14 2010
A growing A.I. trend is literally changing the look of the U.S. dairy industry: Herds are becoming more colorful. Black and white still dominates the landscape, but a gradual shift toward color is clearly...
April 20 2010
Advocacy for the dairy industry and agriculture isn't always easy. It takes courage to stand up to what might not be the popular majority. But, one program for dairy industry enthusiasts is teaching the...
April 19 2010
If continued low milk prices weren't depressing enough, there is now an embryo and semen thief in our midst. Based on information that Hoard's Dairyman has learned from four of the five victims, the thief...
April 15 2010
Interest in some type of policy to control milk production or manage milk supply growth continues to gather steam. Even some people and some organizations that have been categorically opposed to the concept...
April 12 2010
The National Dairy Shrine is again looking for applications for its annual awarding of scholarships. Applications must be completed by May 1, 2010. Official scholarship application award forms are available...
April 7 2010
The 37th annual National Ag Day was held throughout the country on March 20 to celebrate the importance of agriculture in our country. As part of the celebration, seventh through twelfth grade students...
March 22 2010
Maybe we shouldn't have been too surprised with the February Milk Production report released last Thursday. After all, milk production in January had been down just 0.5 percent compared to a year earlier....
March 18 2010
Milk prices will move higher in the years ahead, according to a report to Congress given by FAPRI (the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute at the University of Missouri). FAPRI makes projections...
Feb. 22 2010
Despite low milk prices and rising costs, the majority of dairy producers continued to milk cows last year. What remains to be seen is how the recent depressed economic conditions, both on the income and...
Jan. 5 2010
It is not going overboard to say that so far during the 21st century, Jerseys have been one of the dairy industry's hottest trends. Not only does the soaring popularity of small brown cows not show any...