In the past several years, selective dry cow treatment has gained some prevalence in the industry as an alternative to the more common blanket dry cow treatment, which has been the gold standard for mastitis...
“If a farmer has an attitude of being responsible for mastitis on the farm, there was a lower bulk tank somatic cell count (SCC),” explained the University of Tennessee’s Peter Krawczel
Over the course of the last few decades, dairies have waged war on mastitis pathogens and by some gauges have been hugely successful. Particularly when bulk tank somatic cell counts are evaluated
Combining technologies can boost the overall success of monitoring mastitis events, shared the University of Kentucky’s Jeff Bewley at the recent Precision Dairy Conference in Lexington, Ky
Mastitis is an infection of the udder that, unfortunately, leaves few farms behind. Looking at the recently released USDA’s “Dairy 2014: Milk Quality, Milking Procedures and Mastitis on U.S....
Written by milk quality specialists, this 56-page employee training manual features side-by-side English and Spanish lessons. This guide provides in-depth training related to mastitis basics, parlor practices
by Pierre Lévesque. SPANISH EDITION | This important book includes all aspects of the disease, including causes, prevention and treatments. Main points are highlighted with outstanding illustrations,...
The type of pathogen and history of the cow should play a role in mastitis treatment decisions."You must know the mastitis pathogen to know how to treat it," said Pam Ruegg, extension milk quality specialist...
Mastitis occurs in individual cows. Our control programs are designed for the whole herd. "The ideal system for recording clinical mastitis will allow the practitioner to evaluate important cow factors...
59th Annual Hoard's Dairyman Round Table Low numbers add up to top quality milk Rock-bottom SCCs and bacteria counts put these seven operations at the pinnacle of milk quality. Here, they share how it's...
Not all mastitis cases hurt us the same way. As every dairy producer knows, clinical mastitis is a common and persistent problem. It may occur several times during a lactation, with various consequences...
Type of mastitis affects your loss. In a previous article (August 10, 2009, issue, page 492), we examined the impact of whether the first versus subsequent cases of clinical mastitis (without pathogen...
Mastitis control hinges on dry and fresh cow care Much mastitis starts during the dry period and in the fresh cow pen. That's where you can make the most progress. Dry cow care has a lot to do with how...
Getting the mastitis numbers we need. Consistency is an important factor in caring for cows, and in no place is it more important than during milking. Ann could recite the milking technique that was used...