Jan. 16 2025
While many farms focus on checking that their ventilation systems are effectively working for their animals in the summer, an audit in the winter is also important
Jan. 22 2024
Winter has now made its fierce arrival in much of the country. Along with bringing bitter cold, many crop fields are blanketed with snow that will likely stick around for a while
Nov. 29 2023
These are the items I’ve been using a ton of lately
March 14 2023
It’s meeting season. This is that tiny sliver of time when winter seems to have backed off enough to not be as big of a trouble (although this winter seems to be testing that, or maybe we are just...
Jan. 19 2023
Finding chore boots that keep feet warm, dry, and comfortable seems to be a continuing struggle for many farmers
Dec. 15 2022
Through the rain and weather, we have been working to keep our cows healthy this winter
Dec. 20 2021
It can seem difficult — or almost impossible — to keep water in front of calves in cold weather without having to deal with frozen buckets
Dec. 16 2021
As we brace ourselves and our farms for winter, there is one particularly vulnerable population on the dairy when it comes to cold weather.“Newborns are going to be the most susceptible animals
Dec. 7 2020
This week, when the calendar turns to December, it’s a clear sign that winter weather is quickly approaching
Jan. 17 2018
Even when offered really good professional advice, one should consider how that advice fits into the farm’s goals
Dec. 6 2016
Winter is here in Minnesota and that means I’ve been digging winter clothes out of storage . . . snow pants for the kids and calf coats for the calves. But I left my long underwear in storage
Nov. 7 2016
I recall many cold mornings of feeding calves while growing up. On my family’s 150-cow farm, I would shiver along, wearing at least four layers of clothes, from hutch to hutch
Jan. 11 2016
Goliath's dairy toll will last all year After the blizzard, Carlos Arias, who works at the Clovis, N.M., Municipal Airport, took this self-portrait standing on a snowdrift against one of the hangers -...
June 22 2015
Feeding heifers doesn't always have to be a guessing game
Jan. 10 2015
Prevent winter teat damage before it occurs with the right teat dip, properly working equipment and protection from the elements. Stan and I settled into a comfortable routine flipping burgers and turning...
Nov. 25 2014
An early winter snowstorm dumped up to 7 feet of snow in parts of western New York, shutting down highways and stranding thousands. For farmers, feed delivery was halted and milk that could not be picked...
Oct. 13 2014
As I boarded the plane to leave World Dairy Expo last week, the imminent threat of snow had me dreading the predictions of an equally miserable winter to come. Maybe I am jumping the gun, but the Old Farmer's...
Feb. 26 2014
Have a winter emergency plan. Winter is not just about cold weather with frozen pipes, slippery concrete and snow shoveling. High volumes of snow can lead to barn collapses. At 3:30 a.m., 70-feet of roof...
Nov. 15 2012
Before winter hits, evaluate these five pieces of your feeding program with your nutritionist to improve your feeding regime now and develop a cropping strategy
Nov. 15 2011
Cold weather impedes calf growth Supplementing extra energy or encouraging starter intake keeps calves growing. Calves that don't grow well in cold temperatures produce less milk as cows