Aug. 18 2021
By taking on leadership roles, we all have an opportunity to help shape the future of the dairy industry
June 7 2021
Like all strategies animal activists use to promote their cause, the hot-button issue of Colorado Ballot Initiative 16 is designed to pull at consumers’ emotions more than it relies on science-based...
June 3 2021
Animal activists are once again using legislation in an attempt to push their agenda, and this time it’s gaining broader attention as it aims to criminalize such common and necessary livestock practices...
May 11 2021
It seems that agriculture has become the scapegoat for all the world’s problems
May 10 2021
Depooling…the dirty word blamed for last year’s painful negative Producer Price Differentials (PPDs) and wild price swings. Many ideas may exist for reform, but which might actually work?
May 10 2021
In the 19 years prior to 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic, the monthly difference between Class III and Class IV prices had exceeded $5 per hundredweight (cwt.) on only six occasions
May 10 2021
For those of us on dairy farms, the thought of artificial insemination becoming illegal sounds like a dreadful story straight from the spooky plotlines of the “Twilight Zone.”
April 12 2021
The discussion on the purpose and framework of FMMOs is at the heart of the issue with negative PPDs
April 12 2021
The Federal Milk Marketing Order system serves as a rulebook for buyers and sellers of milk, reminded Erin Taylor on the April 7 Hoard’s Dairyman DairyLivestream
April 8 2021
The past year of dairy market volatility has once again stirred the pot of discontent with current milk marketing frameworks and raised the question, “Is federal order reform necessary?”
April 8 2021
Reforms to the Federal Milk Marketing Order system have been on many minds lately thanks to the pricing chaos caused by last year’s dairy demand destruction
April 5 2021
Policymaking in Washington, D.C., often occurs at a snail’s pace. This holds especially true early in the year when new staff are being hired, alliances are being formed, and lawmakers are testing...
April 1 2021
In the 1960s a statewide milk income pooling plan was adopted in California because the state was not eligible to be part of the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) program since geographic isolation meant...
March 29 2021
On Monday, March 22, the USDA held a 12-hour listening session to hear feedback from the public about the Farmers to Families Food Box Program
March 25 2021
The Senate this week confirmed Katherine Tai as the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), helping the nation advance its trade agenda and creating opportunities for dairy to expand its own markets worldwide
March 25 2021
Even though Federal Milk Marketing Order reform may not be top of mind in Congress, we can debate and coalesce around potential solutions. Not only could strong industry-generated consensus propel pos
March 15 2021
The Farm Workforce Modernization Act, bipartisan bill H.R. 1603, was reintroduced this week by Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) and Congressman Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.)
Feb. 4 2021
“Senator (John) Boozman (R-Ark.) and I both feel very strongly that we move forward the child nutrition bill that is supposed to be reauthorized every five years,” said Senator Debbie Stabenow...
Feb. 1 2021
“We want to move forward aggressively,” said Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), who is the incoming chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
Feb. 1 2021
While President Joe Biden’s appointment for Secretary of Agriculture awaits approval by the Senate, the veteran head of USDA, Tom Vilsack, is already considering his agenda for his second term