April 23 2020
As we take to the fields, we have an incredible opportunity to share our sustainability story through social media, such as Facebook, since sustainability plays a significant role in how consumers shop...
April 23 2020
In just one month, a trip to the grocery store has changed dramatically due to COVID-19. Many people are shopping less frequently, buying in bulk, and ordering online for pickup or delivery when possible
April 23 2020
During normal economic conditions, dairy product use is generally split half and half between food service establishments (such as schools, restaurants, and concessions at conferences and events) and retail...
April 23 2020
A farm’s “balance sheet” is a financial statement that is a snapshot in time
April 16 2020
“Demand destruction” is how Andy Novakovic describes the impact of the current global COVID-19 pandemic on the dairy supply chain
April 16 2020
Domestic semen sales of beef breeds skyrocketed 128% in the past two years to reach 5.8 million units. That’s up from 2017’s 2.5 million units
April 16 2020
Many every day activities have suddenly become a potential risk factor when it comes to the spread of COVID-19. For example, two months ago, no one probably thought twice about opening the mailbox, pulling...
April 16 2020
My mom penned an open letter in response to the COVID-19 pandemic’s effect on retail dairy, and her thoughtful perspective is touching and reassuring
April 16 2020
With schools closed, parents around the country must find new ways to occupy their children at home all day. For already-busy farm parents, it’s an especially taxing challenge
April 16 2020
Although every dairy farmer would prefer to continue milk production and farm processes as they had planned earlier in the year, it appears milk production restrictions may be a reality through the rest...
April 14 2020
Everywhere you look, the only thing in front of us seems to be COVID-19. The uncertainty in everything is tiring
April 13 2020
Nearly one month into the sweeping changes brought to the U.S. by the COVID-19 threat, the initial shock has worn off
April 13 2020
Right now, approximately 50 million children are home and not eating meals at school
April 13 2020
Do you have dairy market questions related to the upheaval caused by COVID-19?
April 10 2020
Everything is hard right now. I know that, you know that. What’s worse is that it’s all out of our control. In times like these, I need two things. First, someone to vent to — a close...
April 8 2020
Join us on Wednesday, April 15, at 11 a.m. Central Daylight Time (CDT), as four leading dairy economists join forces to sort through the coronavirus pandemic and its upheaval on our dairy markets
April 8 2020
As farms across the country are faced with the reality of dumping milk and reducing production, some are looking to their rations to absorb the extra pounds of production
April 8 2020
For those processors and cooperatives requiring milk dumping due to canceled dairy product sales, land application is likely the only or best option for removal of excess milk
April 8 2020
Not lost among the stress of 2020’s coronavirus response has been the country’s 30 million students. Many of them rely on at least one meal per day supplied by the school cafeterias
April 6 2020
It’s a question that’s top of mind for nearly every dairy farmer. The answer to that question depends upon your milk buyer