Proper calf care is crucial for successful animal management. These articles about calf care meet the National Dairy FARM Animal Care Program’s continuing education requirement.
Sept. 14 2022
Disbudding with caustic paste is typically done within the first week of life, and as early as the first 24 hours. Currently, there is only a small amount of research on caustic paste
Feb. 9 2022
A relatively new trend in calf raising is feeding transition milk to calves in early life. Dairy producers have long understood the importance of quickly providing newborn calves with colostrum
Jan. 14 2022
The long awaited publication of the eighth edition of Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) includes a chapter on calf nutrition
Jan. 14 2022
When temperatures are between 59°F and 82°F, a dairy calf can manage and control its body temperature with relative ease. “They are generating metabolic body heat and have normal exchange...
Jan. 1 2022
Scours is one of the most common calfhood illnesses, and it remains a widespread issue on farms. According to the Dairy Calf and Heifer Association’s Gold Standards, farms should aim for less than...
March 25 2021
It's Monday morning and you start the day by feeding calves as the sun comes up over the hills
Oct. 23 2020
The preweaning period is an especially important part of a calf’s life as it sets the animal up for success. What makes up the starter, how it is fed, and what is its impact should all be considered
Oct. 10 2020
The 2020 American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) Annual Meeting was held virtually due to the pandemic. Over 2,300 people attended the online event. Four abstracts related to calves and heifers have
Aug. 17 2020
Calves like consistency — consistency in what they are fed, when they are fed, and how they are fed. Similar to human babies, calves crave a regular schedule
July 13 2020
Dairy calf care broadly affects behavior, including social interactions and feeding patterns, which impact calf performance and welfare. Miller-Cushon will discuss how early life experiences further influence...
April 25 2020
The 2019 American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) Annual Meeting was held in Cincinnati, Ohio, in June. Over 1,800 attendees from more than 60 countries participated
April 8 2020
Heat stress abatement is not a novel concept to those in dairy circles. Decades of research indicate that heat-stressed lactating dairy cows will reduce feed intake and drop milk production
April 2 2019
There are three critical calf periods. The first period around calving includes the cow, environment, and the whole area of colostrum management
Oct. 10 2018
There is some good news and some not so good news when it comes to calf feeding. Let’s look at the good news first
Sept. 26 2018
Most producers can recite how they successfully manage colostrum on their farms, yet accomplishing this protocol consistently can be a major challenge
Sept. 10 2018
Weaning is the most important transition a calf has to go through before she enters the milking herd, and it is a nutritionally and socially stressful time
Aug. 1 2018
The feeding behavior patterns of dairy cattle are known to impact health, productivity, and welfare. Trevor DeVries, University of Guelph, will discuss how the way we feed, house, and manage calves impacts...
July 15 2018
Diarrhea remains the leading cause of death in dairy calves