May 6 2024
In agriculture, we spend a lot of time with data — collecting it, analyzing it, debating it, and using it for decision making
Sept. 6 2023
It’s harvest time — or soon will be — for corn silage in many dairy areas
Aug. 4 2023
One of the annual summer staples around here — best served up lathered in butter and a good sprinkling of salt, in my opinion — is homegrown sweet corn
June 1 2023
As the season rolls on, many baseball teams are recognizing mid-season adjustments are necessary to improve their chances for success. In baseball, success is defined by achieving the postseason and advancing
May 4 2023
Agronomically speaking, healthier corn plants equate to improved crop performance and yield. Crop protection practices resulting in healthier corn likely also contribute to more efficiency with nutrient...
Aug. 18 2022
Corn harvest for silage is underway for Southern growers and about to kick into high gear for many Northern dairy forage growers and farmers
May 30 2022
The macronutrient nitrogen is essential for corn growth. This needed nitrogen is delivered to fields using fertilizer or manure, but the best timing for application can depend on several factors
May 26 2022
While planters were rolling fast and furious this past week, corn planting has been running a bit behind the five-year trend. This year’s cool, wet spring is partly to blame
March 10 2022
Planting a grain crop like corn or soybeans into a growing cover crop is a practice that is gaining popularity. For dairy and crop farmer Tony Peirick, “planting green” is a concept
Feb. 14 2022
About 50 years ago, a Cornell University dairy nutritionist made the statement, “The best corn grain hybrid is the best silage hybrid.”
Jan. 24 2022
Dried distillers grains, with or without solubles (DDGS or DDGs), is a fermentation coproduct that is commonly used in livestock rations in the U.S
Dec. 9 2021
As the year comes to an end, many dairy farmers have or are beginning to open 2021 silage storage and finding that it’s not feeding as well as some other years despite mostly having good fiber
Sept. 27 2021
Many dairy farmers grow corn, alfalfa, or both to feed their herd. While both forage sources have benefits, they also have some limitations
Sept. 2 2021
It’s no secret cannibals are lurking in your cornfields, looking to rob you of the silage tonnage and quality you expect from the crop
Aug. 16 2021
Picture movie-goers walking into a theater. Those people entering the theater were initially expecting to see a documentary film, but instead, an action movie begins, with surprises
Aug. 16 2021
USDA’s August World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report provides the first look at survey-based yield estimates for this year’s corn crop
Nov. 5 2020
This 2020 corn crop appears to be bucking the past two crop years' repeated trends for many issues
Aug. 24 2020
With the 2020 turmoil, I sense this time of the year brings excitement and a sense of purpose for many
Aug. 3 2020
Historically, monitoring kernel milklines was the gold standard for determining time of harvest for corn destined for silage
Dec. 30 2019
Being part of numerous discussions, invited talks, and articles recently centering on reviewing the 2019 growing and harvest season, and ultimately grasping the corn crop quality, a few common threads...