June 17 2024
On dairy farms, efforts to improve feed efficiency often revolve around the lactating cows, but other groups within the herd can be an important part of the puzzle
June 15 2023
As dairy farmers, our life is lead wide open each and every day
April 6 2023
Breeding heifers to calve in around 2 years old puts them on a productive track to begin paying off the costs of their rearing and avoid mounting up additional expenses while they remain open
March 21 2023
Sometimes on the farm, I just need a bit of good news. For those of you who dairy or have in the past, you know what I mean. A little pick-me-up of good news just hits the spot
May 5 2022
When it comes to raising heifers, we don’t want them to grow too slowly – or too fast
Dec. 10 2020
Raising heifers economically isn’t just about feed prices, as herd management practices can make a big impact on the bottom line
Nov. 23 2020
Though feeding a dairy heifer makes up the largest single cost of raising it, that still can become a lower priority
Nov. 12 2020
To do the best job possible at growing heifers, farmers need to track growth, monitor body condition scores, and consider industry benchmarking
Oct. 19 2020
The true cost of raising replacement heifers is difficult to determine, although every dairy farmer realizes it’s a significant investment
July 6 2020
Whether building brand new or repurposing an old building, there are certain details that should not be overlooked when it comes to heifer housing
March 23 2020
With the value of Holstein bull calves at rock bottom the last several years, many farms are looking toward the use of beef semen
Feb. 25 2019
The rush to calve heifers young is likely costing dairy producers thousands of pounds of lifetime milk production, said a Utah nutritionist and consultant
Feb. 18 2019
A cow’s productive life doesn’t just begin when it starts producing milk
Feb. 4 2019
In tight economic times, everything comes under the radar, and heifer care and growth has been no exception. We’ve written both about raising healthy heifers more quickly and managing heifer inventories...
Dec. 3 2018
The transition period after weaning can be one of the most stressful times in a heifer’s life
Nov. 26 2018
Age at first calving is the biggest factor affecting the total cost of raising heifers, and reproduction is a key factor in managing calving age
Oct. 1 2018
There’s a feeding strategy that allows you to put less feed in front of heifers, improve their feed efficiency, reduce nutrient excretion, and save you money
Aug. 20 2018
On many farms, one of the least intensively managed groups on the farm is the pregnant heifers
July 30 2018
By most accounts, heifer rearing is the second- or third-largest cost category on dairy farms
July 23 2018
“If you want 99-plus percent of calves to live, follow the ‘big four’ at calving,” shared Lane Sollenberger with those attending the First International Conference of Calf and Heifer...