Hoard's Dairyman December 2013 Bull List

The latest Hoard's Dairyman Bull List is a sure sign that breeders and dairy producers across the U.S. are buying into the science of genomics. As you may recall, we can learn 60 to 70 percent of the genetic evaluation information by simply pulling hair and studying the DNA found at its root. The early testing, which can take place the day a calf is born, gives us a five-year head start on learning more about a dairy animal's genetic potential. In some cases, the genetic knowledge we gain is double pedigree parent average alone.

Just how quick has been the buy-in on genomics?

In April 2012, 45 percent of all Holstein and Jersey bulls declared for sale by A.I. centers were genomic bulls . . . or those without daughter records. Just 19 months later, that number soared to 60 percent in the two largest U.S. dairy breeds. Specifically, 1,272 of the Holstein bulls declared active by A.I. were genomic-only bulls - 259 of 431 bulls in the Jersey breed.

Brown Swiss and Ayrshire also have genomic testing available. However, both are relative newcomers compared to Holsteins and Jerseys. As a result, progeny-tested bulls still outnumber genomic-only young bulls. In Brown Swiss, 48 of the 93 bulls are progeny proven. In Ayrshires, the number is even greater, 41 of the 67. If past trends are any sign of the future, we anticipate those ratios will change soon, with Brown Swiss being the first to favor the bulls sold only on the early-predicting science of genomics.

The Hoard's Dairyman December Bull List will be available to all our readers when our December issue hits the mail later this week. However, you can receive an early copy of the list by clicking here.

Looking specifically at the December 2013 Hoard's Dairyman Bull list, we list the top-ranking bulls for the seven dairy breeds. Holsteins are ranked by Net Merit, Fluid Merit, Cheese Merit, udders, feet and legs, productive life, somatic cell score, pregnancy rate and sire calving ease. Jerseys are ranked by Net Merit and Jersey Performance Index (JPI); Brown Swiss by Progressive Performance Ranking (PPR); Ayrshire, Guernsey, Milking Shorthorn, and Red and White by Net Merit.

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