Mil-R-Mor barn

One of the buzzwords was "body size" at the recent national genetics conference in Tempe, Ariz. There are two components to the body size equation - stature and strength (width).

Recently at the Wisconsin Holstein Convention, I had the opportunity to discuss the issue with Bob Miller, a past recipient of National Dairy Shrine's Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder Award.

In that discussion, Bob discusses how body size has impacted his Holstein herd and his dairy operation. (Please be patient while the audio file loads.) In doing so, he also discusses how body size has affected commercial dairy operators and his vision for the future. In doing so, he discusses the need for more uniformity in cattle size so cows better fit in facilities. Later, Miller discusses the quandary stature also plays in the show ring.

Editor's note: This is the third article in a five-part Hoard's Dairyman Intel series discussing dairy cattle breeding with Bob Miller and Frank Regan who are among the most respected Holstein breeders in the world. The interview took place at a panel discussion moderated by Hoard's Dairyman managing editor, Corey Geiger, at the Wisconsin Holstein Association Convention.

To hear the other clips from the interview with Bob Miller and Frank Regan, click on the title:
March 31 - If you were to start a new herd
April 7 - The perfect picture

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