ESPN milking video

It's definitely not an everyday occurrence on television, especially ESPN. However, after losing an NCAA Division I Men's Basketball bracket bet with co-host Mike Golic, Mike "Greeny" Greenberg made good on his wager by agreeing to milk a cow. The event aired live on the popular "Mike & Mike" show late last week.

Like most milking contests, the coordinators wisely choose a very docile cow. That was extremely important in this case since the ESPN production set was full of commotion as the team of Golic and Mark Schlereth provided the play-by-play of Greenberg making good on his bet. To his credit, Golic was spot-on when discussing a number of dairy-related terms.

All started out well. The Holstein cow, known as Vanessa, stood very still as Greenberg approached and began milking her. It was clear that Greenberg had received good coaching beforehand as he was even wearing black nitrile milking gloves.

Despite all the people on the set, Greenberg quickly drew milk from the cow. While everything was preceding normally, Vanessa the Holstein threw the entire set a curveball . . . nature called and she defecated on live television. Outside of the cow handler, who clearly worked with cattle before, everyone else appeared to witness this routine animal action for the first time that day.

This entire ESPN episode got started due to the "Sheet of Integrity" competition between Mike and Mike. At the end of the bet, the person with the lowest score in their NCAA Men's Division I Basketball bracket has to pay off the wager by performing an embarrassing stunt. The tandem decided cow milking would be the bet this year.

Click here to see the video for yourself.

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