rear udder

Many dairy producers and industry specialists have their ideas on what makes for a long-lived cow. Following a comprehensive study of all Canadian Holstein cows classified from 2003 to 2007, we have a much clearer picture of that what leads to longer lives in dairy cows - udder traits followed by feet and legs.

In all, 25 linear traits were investigated. The top five traits impacting cow longevity involved the udder:
1. Fore udder attachment
2. Udder texture or quality
3. Udder depth
4. Median suspensory ligament
5. Rear udder height

The next five most important traits centered on feet and legs (with the exception of rear udder width, which held the eighth position):
6. Rear legs, rear view
7. Bone quality
9. Locomotion
10. Rear legs, side view
11. Heel depth (with foot angle ranking 13)

What ranked among the least important? The bottom five concluded with:
25. Chest width
24. Stature
23. Rear teat placement
22. Thurl placement
21. Teat length

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(c) Hoard's Dairyman Intel 2015
January 5, 2015
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